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Nexus 4 Toolkit

Discussione in 'Modding - LG Nexus 4' iniziata da Niko1983, 18 Nov 2012.

  1. Niko1983

    Niko1983 Worker Droid

    15 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Salve a tutti
    è disponibile la "valigietta degli strumenti" con cui poter fare praticamente di tutto al Nexus 4 ... La lista completa delle funzioni è:

    Google Nexus 4 Toolkit v2.0.0 (Grazie per segnalazione di Franyo):
    * Install correct adb/fastboot drivers automatically on Windows xp/vista/7/8 32bit+64bit
    * Backup/Restore a single package or all apps, user data and Internal Storage
    * Backup your /data/media (virtual SD Card) to your PC for a Full Safe backup of data
    * Unlock/Re-Lock your Bootloader
    * Root Stock Jelly Bean builds (upto 4.2.1 JOP40D)
    * 1-Click For All to Unlock, Root, Rename the Restore File
    * Perform a FULL NANDROID Backup of your system (Boot, Cache, Data, Recovery and System) via adb and save in Custom Recovery format on your PC which can be Restored via CWM Recovery
    * Pull /data and /system folders, compress to a .tar file and save to your PC
    * Dump selected Phone Partitions, compress to a .zip file with md5 and save to your PC 
    * Install BusyBox on your phone
    * Extras, Tips and Tricks section (professional only feature)
    * Auto Update ToolKit to latest available version at startup (professional only feature)
    * Program up to 10 Quickpic slots and run them very quickly (professional only feature)
    * Mods section to automatically perform certain tasks on your phone
    * Download Google Stock Image directly to correct ToolKit folder for extracting and flashing (no need to move it manually anymore)
    * Check md5 of stock image to make sure downloaded file isn't corrupted before flashing
    * Flash Custom Recovery or Google Stock Image to phone
    * Rename the Recovery Restore File present on some Stock Roms
    * Boot into CWM Touch, TWRP or Stock Recovery without Flashing it
    * Boot or Flash .img Files directly from your PC
    * Install a single apk or multiple apk's to your phone
    * Push Files from your PC to your phone
    * Pull Files from your phone to your PC
    * Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC
    * Dump BugReport to your PC
    * Set Files Permissions on your phone
    * Open new Command Prompt for manual input
    * Reboot Phone to Fastboot Mode or Android from fastboot mode
    * Reboot Phone to Fastboot Mode, Recovery, Android or Download Mode from adb mode
    * Display Important Information about your device
    Versioni precedenti:
    Google Nexus 4 Toolkit v1.0.0:

    * Install correct adb/fastboot drivers automatically on Windows xp/vista/7/8 32bit+64bit
    * Backup/Restore a single package or all apps, user data and Internal Storage
    * Backup your /data/media (virtual SD Card) to your PC for a Full Safe backup of data
    * Unlock/Re-Lock your Bootloader
    * Root Stock Jelly Bean builds (upto 4.2.0 JOP40C)
    * 1-Click For All to Unlock, Root, Rename the Restore File
    * Perform a FULL NANDROID Backup of your system (Boot, Cache, Data, Recovery and System) via adb and save in Custom Recovery format on your PC which can be Restored via CWM Recovery
    * Pull /data and /system folders, compress to a .tar file and save to your PC
    * Dump selected Phone Partitions, compress to a .zip file with md5 and save to your PC 
    * Install BusyBox on your phone
    * Extras, Tips and Tricks section available to all ToolKit Donators
    * Auto Update ToolKit to latest pushed version at startup (donator feature)
    * Program up to 10 Quickpic slots and run them very quickly (donator feature)
    * Mods section to automatically perform certain tasks on your phone
    * Download Google Stock Image directly to correct ToolKit folder for extracting and flashing (no need to move it manually anymore)
    * Flash Google Stock Image to phone
    * Rename the Recovery Restore File present on some Stock Roms
    * Boot into CWM Touch Recovery without Flashing it
    * Boot or Flash .img Files directly from your PC
    * Install a single apk or multiple apk's to your phone
    * Push Files from your PC to your phone
    * Pull Files from your phone to your PC
    * Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC
    * Dump BugReport to your PC
    * Set Files Permissions on your phone
    * Open new Command Prompt for manual input
    * Reboot Phone to Fastboot Mode or Android from fastboot mode
    * Reboot Phone to Fastboot Mode, Recovery, Android or Download Mode from adb mode
    NOTE: Flashing Custom Recovery is not supported at the moment as secured boot prevents the phone from booting a flashed recovery. Flashing Recovery has therefore been disabled for now in the Toolkit but booting it works fine and is supported.
    Per il download del toolkit v1.0.0 andate sul seguente link

    tutti i crediti vanno a mskip e potete trovare la discussione ufficiale sul thread di Xda al seguente link.
    Ultima modifica di un moderatore: 3 Mag 2013
  2. blackgin

    blackgin Silver Droid

    29 Gen 2009
    "Mi Piace":
    Però il Nexus 4 non é un Galaxy :p
    A Omar piace questo elemento.
  3. Omar

    Omar Guest

    R: Nexus 4 Toolkit

    Ho modificato il titolo.;)

    Inviato dal mio Galaxy Nexus con Tapatalk 2
    A Niko1983 piace questo elemento.
  4. franyo

    franyo Silver Droid

    13 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Rilasciata nuova versione:

    [NEXUS 4 TOOLKIT V2.0.0] Drivers, Backup, Unlock, Root, Recovery, Flash, Mods + MORE

    [NEXUS 4 TOOLKIT V2.0.0] Drivers, Backup, Unlock, Root, Recovery, Flash, Mods + MORE - xda-developers

    Install correct adb/fastboot drivers automatically on Windows xp/vista/7/8 32bit+64bit
    Backup/Restore a single package or all appsuser data and Internal Storage
    Backup your /data/media (virtual SD Cardto your PC for a Full Safe backup of data
    Unlock/Re-Lock your Bootloader
    Root Stock Jelly Bean builds (upto 4.2.1 JOP40D)
    1-Click For All to UnlockRootRename the Restore File
    Perform a FULL NANDROID Backup of your system (BootCacheDataRecovery and Systemvia adb and save in Custom Recovery format on your PC which can be Restored via CWM Recovery
    Pull /data and /system folderscompress to a .tar file and save to your PC
    Dump selected Phone Partitionscompress to a .zip file with md5 and save to your PC 
    Install BusyBox on your phone
    ExtrasTips and Tricks section (professional only feature)
    Auto Update ToolKit to latest available version at startup (professional only feature)
    Program up to 10 Quickpic slots and run them very quickly (professional only feature)
    Mods section to automatically perform certain tasks on your phone
    Download Google Stock Image directly to correct ToolKit folder for extracting and flashing (no need to move it manually anymore)
    Check md5 of stock image to make sure downloaded file isn't corrupted before flashing
    * Flash Custom Recovery or Google Stock Image to phone
    * Rename the Recovery Restore File present on some Stock Roms
    * Boot into CWM Touch, TWRP or Stock Recovery without Flashing it
    * Boot or Flash .img Files directly from your PC
    * Install a single apk or multiple apk'
    s to your phone
    Push Files from your PC to your phone
    Pull Files from your phone to your PC
    Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC
    Dump BugReport to your PC
    Set Files Permissions on your phone
    Open new Command Prompt for manual input
    Reboot Phone to Fastboot Mode or Android from fastboot mode
    Reboot Phone to Fastboot ModeRecoveryAndroid or Download Mode from adb mode
    Display Important Information about your device
    Ultima modifica: 3 Mag 2013
    A Mikhael e yann73 piace questo messaggio.
  5. Ma se scarico il Toolkit questo sotituirá quello vecchio oppure ne avró 2 con versioni diverse?

    OF: Bel sito ;)
  6. marco845

    marco845 Baby Droid

    19 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Ragazzi sono da poco possessore del nexus4 e vorrei moddarlo tramite il nexus 4 toolkit. per ora sbloccherei il bootloader con root, mantenendo però recovery e rom stock per avere gli Ota 4.3.
    La domanda che vi faccio è: si può flashare file zip (mi interezza flashare nuovi softkeys e temi) attraverso la funzione (n° 10) del toolkit "boot to custom recovery without permanently flashing it" quindi senza avere una custom recovery definitiva installata? Grazie per le risposte!
  7. yann73

    yann73 Golden Droid

    5 Feb 2010
    "Mi Piace":

    Penso proprio di si... con Nexus Root Toolkit di Wugfresh ne sono sicuro... ma penso che si tratti della stessa procedura comunque... ad ogni modo io ti consiglio il Nexus Root Toolkit che se non sbaglio questo qui ha tutte le funzioni solo nella versione a pagamento :alol: mentre su NRT hai tutti gli strumenti nel unica versione free...
  8. fabry1819

    fabry1819 Baby Droid

    15 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Funziona con android 4.3?