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[ROM] LeeDroid per HTC 10 [Android 7.0 NOUGAT]: guida novità e download

Discussione in 'ROM e KERNEL per HTC 10' iniziata da kalel77, 5 Mag 2016.

  1. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    Diciamo di no.....mettiamola che ho ricevuto "pressioni dall'alto" e mi sono decisa.....
    Come tu sai non sono più su Leedroid ma comunque si nell'app dei tweak c'era qualcosa del genere come sulla vecchia Lee per l'M8....
    A uLtiMo125 e Andreasworks piace questo messaggio.
  2. Andreasworks

    Andreasworks Silver Droid

    14 Nov 2014
    "Mi Piace":
    ....Dove sei finita ? Viper ?

    Inviato dal mio m8
    A Marty27 piace questo elemento.
  3. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    Yes....per ora si, su base Nougat al momento è più avanti rispetto alla Lee che poi si aggiorna quasi quotidianamente e bisognerebbe flashare di continuo...
    A uLtiMo125 e Andreasworks piace questo messaggio.
  4. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R28 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.0.1 - December 30th
    * Make Aroma backup and restore optional - (If Aroma Freezes during install, hard reboot (Vol down+power) then select No)

    R29 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.0.1 - January 5th
    * Update Magisk V10.2
    * Magisk Manager 3.0
    * Update PHH SuperUser (Magisk)
    * Update Super SU V2.79-SR2
    * App updates
    * Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks

    R30 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.0.1 - January 5th
    * Update HTC IME (M9 - N) - Fixed themes not applying
    * Re-add HTC Car GPS, Ringtone Trimmer & File Manager
    * Update Automotive Home & Traffic - Thanks @captain_throwback for the zip!

    R32 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.1.0 - January 5th
    * Aroma: Optional Google Contacts & Dialler
    * Aroma tweaks / clean-ups
    * System clean-ups
    * Bump to Stable V3.1.0

    LeeDrOiD 10 V3.1.0 - Stable - January 5th
    • Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks
    • - Bug Fixes
    • - Magisk ROM support
    • - Script enhancements
    • Aroma: Otional configuration backup & restore
    • Aroma: Google Dialler & Contacts
    • Update SuperSU v2.79-SR2
    • Update Magisk 10.2 & Magisk Manager V3
    • Update HTC Sense Home V8.52.853503
    • - All mods and tweaks ported
    • - Unlimited folders, Landscape support,
      5x6 app drawer, custom home menu & additonal highlight colours
    • Update HTC Gallery & Fix open with tweak
    • System permissions corrections
    • Use blank audio file when disabling boot audio (faster boot time)
    • Installer clean-ups
    • System clean-ups
    • Update Automotive Home & Traffic
    • Add: HTC Ringtone Trimmer, File Explorer & Car GPS
    • Update HTC IME (Latest M9 N - fixes theming)
    • Remove SMS to wake tweak - depreciated

    LeeDrOiD 10
    MD5# 56dcad18558519fd80f6929fde541f29
    A uLtiMo125, kalel77 e Paulpier007 piace questo elemento.
  5. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    Grossa novità per i fan della Leedroid!!! Sul sito di Lee ora è disponibile anche una versione Magisk della Rom. Ossia, come spiegato da lui stesso su XDA questa versione è in pratica una Rom Stock con il Magisk, quindi dovrebbero funzionare tutti i vari servizi che con il root non andrebbero. Per utilizzarla bisogna prima passare l'ultima RUU Nougat disponibile, poi si mette la TWRP recovery e poi si flasha la Rom. Lo sviluppo delle 2 rom proseguirà in parallelo. Il vantaggio di quest'ultima risulta essere che per tornare stock basterà aprire il Magisk Manager e disabilitare il modulo Leedroid. Qualche utente su XDA la sta usando e sembra funzionare bene ed essere già stabile per uso quotidiano.

    Ecco i suoi post da XDA:

    Guys.... If you haven't noticed..
    I have also added a Magisk edition of the ROM, it's essentially a full build that can be ran systemless over a 100% stock base & includes additional carrier configurations... I also have WiFi calling on EE UK ( this isn't available on the HTC stock ROM).
    None of the HTC apps included in the main ROM are included, but I will be building a new installer that will dynamically build the magisk module, giving the exact same experience you get with the main ROM.
    It's up for testing now but is running 100% stable for me at present.. so if you do feel like flashing an RUU, give it a bash and let me know your thoughts.
    The zip will install Magisk, your chosen root method and the ROM all in 1.
    Massive thanks to @topjohnwu @Captain_Throwback or their help and support getting this up and running!

    "Steps are ruu (this will wipe everything) > flash twrp > flash my magisk zip.
    Then to switch back to stock... Open magisk manager > modules and untick the LeeDrOiD module and reboot... To enable again... Tick it again"

    Per chi volesse provarla ecco i vari link qui sotto:

    RUU 2.28.401.9 NOUGAT

    md5# c03387506a8c3787c8bbbbc56b6f0dc1

    LeeDrOiD 10 V3.1.0-Magisk-Edition-v3

    md5# 10ef9927e0f14b8000bbdfb95233eeac
    A uLtiMo125, Paulpier007 e Andreasworks piace questo elemento.
  6. Andreasworks

    Andreasworks Silver Droid

    14 Nov 2014
    "Mi Piace":
    Avevo visto nel changelon dell' ultimo aggiornamento che era ricomparso magisk ...
    L hai provata e testata magari con le app che solitamente con il root non funzionano ?

    Inviato dal mio m8
  7. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    No non l'ho provata anche perché quest' ultima l'ho scoperta ora ma penso che al momento salterò anche momento con la viper e magisk funziona tutto, magari piu avanti sicuramente la proverò...

    Inviato dal mio HTC 10 utilizzando Tapatalk
    A uLtiMo125 e Andreasworks piace questo messaggio.
  8. Paulpier007

    Paulpier007 Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Molto interessante,,,, scusa la mia ignoranza quali sarebbero ".... gli altri servizi che con il root non andrebbero..."?...
  9. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    Credo che si tratti di Android Pay.

    Inviato dal mio HTC 10 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Edit. Aggiornamento odierno per la versione Magisk:

    * Fix system props not being set/loaded
    * Add Aroma: Google Dialer & Contacts module
    * Add HTC Calendar to HTC Sense Apps module
    * Remove SuperSU Root option until detection is fixed
    Ultima modifica: 7 Gen 2017
    A Andreasworks piace questo elemento.
  10. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R34 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.1.0 - January 12th
    * Reset tamper props on all builds (Safeteynet Pass including un-rooted installs - Still broken on current base)
    - thanks to me, @captain_throwback & @topjohnwu (magisk gave us the insight needed)
    * Add pre-patched sepolicy to boot.img (to facilitate the above change)
    * Updater script adjustments to account for TWRP changes
    * Fixed all file ownership & context flags
    * Wipe /carrier partition on full wipe
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.
  11. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R35 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.1.0 - January 12th
    * Read only props now parsed from dedicated prop file
    Massive thanks to - Me, @captain_throwback, @baadnewz & @tbalden - we clearly make a good team XD

    R36 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - January 12th
    * Enable VoLTE for EE UK (TEST)
    * Add props & enable Wi-Fi Calling & VoLTE for H3G Denmark (TEST)
    * In-Built app updates
    * - Bump to V3.2.0 - Stable

    LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - Stable - January 12th
    • FIXED ADVANCED CALLING - Wi-Fi Calling & VoLTE - Massive thanks to: Me, @captain_throwback, @nkk71 @baadnewz & @tbalden - we clearly make a good team XD
    • Reset tamper props on all builds using resetprop
    • Pre-patch sepolicy to allow use of resetprop
    • Updater improvements for ultimate TWRP compatibility
    • Fixed all file ownership & context flags
    • Wipe /carrier partition on full wipe
    • Aroma: Optional Google Contacts & Dialler
    • Enable Wi-Fi Calling & VoLTE for EE UK & H3G Denmark(TEST)
    • In-Built app updates
    • System Clean-ups
    LeeDrOiD 10
    MD5# 9e2715b542eee6a3012455db92e90397

    LeeDrOiD 10
    MD5# a687ec4294e0c3f548f2ee0059787150
    Ultima modifica: 13 Gen 2017
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.
  12. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R37 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - January 14th
    * Add/Enable Google Daydream VR support
    - (Tested and working with Google Daydream VR Headset & Controller)
    * HTC Camera: Enable Selfie Panorama mode! (For people with large heads XD )
    * Add f2fs support to ramdisk for /data & /cache
    * In-built app updates
    * Improve Telstra AU support - (TESTING)

    R38 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - January 14th

    * Re-add Google Assistant option to Aroma
    * Account for f2fs support in updater script
    * Update Telstra AU support - thanks @jbm76
    * Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks
    - set asset perms recursively on launch
    * Update In-built apps

    R39 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - January 15th
    * Update CleanSlate Kernel V2.0.1
    - Add f2fs support
    * Update SuperSU-V2.79-SR3
    * Configuration tweaks
    * US Unlocked patch updated to - 2.38.617.6

    R40 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.2.0 - January 15th

    * Apply US Unlocked 2.38.617.6 Build fingerprint
    * Now passing Google SafeteyNet checks when un-rooted!

    R42 LeeDrOiD 10 V.3.5.0 - January 18th
    * Version bump to Stable V3.5.0
    * Re-based on HTC Europe 2.41.401.3
    - All mods, tweaks and hacks ported
    * Updated HTC Sense Home V8.52.860657
    - All mods, tweaks and hacks ported - Thanks @baadnewz
    * Remove force open with HTC Gallery (Depreciated and now automatic)
    * Improved locales support - Thanks @baadnewz!
    * Tweak: Hide Wi-Fi calling Notification only (icon still shows)
    * Reworked updater permissions, contexts & capabilities - 1:1 Stock match @baadnewz
    * Updated @ivicask pnp profiles to v22 & added Power Saver
    * In-built applications updated
    * Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks V7.9.0
    - Toggle corrections & adjustments
    Ultima modifica: 18 Gen 2017
    A uLtiMo125 e Andreasworks piace questo messaggio.
  13. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":

    LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.0 - Stable - January 18th
    1. Re-based on HTC Europe 2.41.401.3 - Thanks @LlabTooFer
    2. January 2017 Security Patches
    3. - All mods, tweaks and hacks ported
    4. Now passing Google SafeteyNet checks when un-rooted!
    5. Add/Enable Google Daydream VR support
    6. - (Tested and working with Google Daydream VR Headset & Controller)
    7. Updated HTC Sense Home V8.52.860657
    8. - All mods, tweaks and hacks ported - Thanks @baadnewz
    9. HTC Camera: Enable Selfie Panorama mode
    10. Remove force open with HTC Gallery (Depreciated and now automatic)
    11. Improved locales support - thanks @baadnewz!
    12. Full f2fs file system support for /data & /cache
    13. Update CleanSlate Kernel V2.0.1
    14. - Add f2fs support
    15. Tweak: Hide Wi-Fi calling Notification only (icon still shows)
    16. Reworked updater permissions, contexts & capabilities - 1:1 Stock match @baadnewz
    17. Updated @ivicask pnp profiles to v22 & added Power Saver
    18. Re-add Google Assistant option to Aroma
    19. In-built applications updated
    20. US Unlocked patch updated to - 2.38.617.6
    21. Fully working Telstra AU support - thanks @jbm76
    22. Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks V7.9.0
    23. - set asset perms recursively on launch
    24. - Toggle corrections & adjustments
    25. Update SuperSU-V2.79-SR3
    LeeDrOiD 10
    MD5# f5ec5e5b9fb82b764667762831e48421
    Ultima modifica: 18 Gen 2017
    A uLtiMo125 e Paulpier007 piace questo messaggio.
  14. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R43 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 18th
    * Fix SystemUI Crash when configuring AppCircle SideBar
    - Bump to V3.5.1

    R45 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 22nd
    * Add Sprint support - Testing - Thanks @gstanke
    * Update security patch dates for carriers (in line with base)
    * Tweak: Long press recent app button for menu
    * Update LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.7.4
    - Re-work Kernel tab - init.d now handled on separate thread
    - Add toggle for long press recent apps for menu
    * Update camera exposure mod (longer exposure time & corrected typo) - Thanks @starbase64
    * In-built app updates
    * System clean-ups & bug fixes

    R47 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 23rd

    * Update Google assistant toggle (no longer changes device to Pixel XL)
    * Add ramdisk service TweaksMerge (initiated on post-fs-data)
    * Un-Rooted & Magisk builds:
    - Custom system props now saved to /sdcard/leedroid & loaded on reboot
    - Custom sysfs / kernel settings now saved to /sdcard/leedroid & loaded on reboot
    * 90% of tweaks now work regardless of root
    * Default Aroma configuration changes

    R48 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 23rd
    * Fixed stock kernel installation
    * Add full T-Mobile US support - Thanks @twinnfamous
    * Tweak: Show full alarm in statusbar shade
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.7.7
    - New toggle - show full alarm in QS shade
    - Corrections to enabled/disabled tweaks
    - Updated reboot/restart prompts for no root users

    R49 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 23rd
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.7.8
    - Fix mounting system RW when using Magisk & PHH as root method
    - Recent prop & sysfs adjustments now only

    R50 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 23rd
    * Android N Style nav bar buttons
    * Tweak: Re-Map Short Press Recent Apps - Recents/Menu/Split Screen
    * Tweak: Re-Map Long Press Recent Apps - Split Screen/Menu/Recents
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.8.0
    - Remove old recents remap
    - New Recents Short & Long re-map options
    - Fix fast dormancy toggle


    LeeDrOiD 10

    MD5# 287d6e873f42fe467c773cc7d01e5e52

    R51 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.1 - January 24th
    * Fix random Sense Home FC - @baadnewz
    * Move to HTC Gallery GP & Photo Enhance GP
    - Camera will open photos in HTC GP Gallery is installed
    * In-built application updates
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.8.1
    - Better handling of shell commands
    - Misc clean-ups
    * Update Stericson busybox V1.26.2
    * SPRINT - Enhance compatibility patch - TEST
    R52 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.2 - January 28th
    * Fix Sprint signal indicator (gap)
    * Fix T-Mobile US hotspot/tethering
    * Fix Sense Home custom menu background
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.8.2
    - Check if ROM shipped tweaks version is newer than installed & prompt removal
    * In-built Application updates
    * Move to Stable V3.5.2

    Ultima modifica: 29 Gen 2017
    A Andreasworks, Paulpier007 e uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.
  15. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    LeeDrOiD 10 V3.5.2 - Stable - January 28th
    • Fix SystemUI Crash when configuring AppCircle SideBar
    • Add Sprint support - Testing - Thanks @gstanke
    • Add full T-Mobile US support - Thanks @twinnfamous
    • Tweak: Show full alarm in statusbar shade
    • Update Google assistant toggle (no longer changes device to Pixel XL)
    • Add ramdisk service TweaksMerge (initiated on post-fs-data)
    • Tweak: Re-Map Short Press Recent Apps - Recents/Menu/Split Screen
    • Tweak: Re-Map Long Press Recent Apps - Split Screen/Menu/Recents
    • Un-Rooted & Magisk builds:
      <li type="square">- Custom system props now saved to /sdcard/leedroid & loaded on reboot
      <li type="square">- Custom sysfs / kernel settings now saved to /sdcard/leedroid & loaded on reboot
    • 90% of tweaks now work regardless of root
    • Update security patch dates for carriers (in line with base)
    • Move to HTC Gallery GP & Photo Enhance GP
    • Fix random Sense Home FC - @baadnewz
    • Update Stericson busybox V1.26.2
    • Update camera exposure mod (longer exposure time & corrected typo) - Thanks @starbase64
    • LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.7.8
    • - Fix mounting system RW when using Magisk & PHH as root method
    • - Recent prop & sysfs adjustments now only applicable to NoRoot installations
    • - New toggle - show full alarm in QS shade
    • - Corrections to enabled/disabled tweaks
    • - Updated reboot/restart prompts for no root users
    • - Remove old recents remap
    • - New Recents Short & Long re-map options
    • - Fix fast dormancy toggle
    • - Re-work Kernel tab - init.d now handled on separate thread
    • - Check if ROM shipped tweaks version is newer than installed & prompt removal
    • In-built app updates
    • System clean-ups & bug fixes
    LeeDrOiD 10
    MD5# 878a61cba28fc75d27e118e7b1546508

    Versione Magisk della Rom:

    LeeDrOiD 10

    MD5# 69c257057250119b0d20fb09bb8e80b9
    A Paulpier007, uLtiMo125 e Andreasworks piace questo elemento.
  16. Paulpier007

    Paulpier007 Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Ottima rom... non mi ha mai dato problemi e la sto utilizzando ...
    A Marty27 piace questo elemento.
  17. Andreasworks

    Andreasworks Silver Droid

    14 Nov 2014
    "Mi Piace":
    Autonomia ?

    Inviato dal mio m8
  18. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    Anche io la sto utilizzando....molto migliorata dopo l'aggiornamento alla nuova base!

    Inviato dal mio HTC 10 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Come la Viper più o meno....

    Inviato dal mio HTC 10 utilizzando Tapatalk
    A Andreasworks piace questo elemento.
  19. Marty27

    Marty27 Silver Droid

    7 Dic 2015
    "Mi Piace":
    R54 LeeDrOiD 10 V3.6.0 - January 31st

    * Bump to HTC Europe 2.41.401.4 - Thanks @LlabTooFeR
    - Sensor / Camera updates
    * New Tweak: Statusbar Brightness Control
    (slide your finger over the status bar to adjust brightness)
    * New Tweak: Force expand notifications
    * LeeDrOiD Tweaks V9.8.3
    - Rearrange Statusbar control toggles
    - Added new toggles for new tweaks
    A uLtiMo125, Paulpier007 e Andreasworks piace questo elemento.
  20. Paulpier007

    Paulpier007 Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2012
    "Mi Piace":

    Questa è nella sezione "Nightly Builds" che sono in costante aggiornamento (l'ultima è quella che hai citato sopra)
    C'è una versione stabile, sempre la 3.6.0 nella sezione "Stable Builds"
    Toglimi una curiosità: quale conviene flashare? Hai notato delle differenze tra le due? :confused: :seguo: ;)
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.