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[THREAD UFFICIALE ] LMT Launcher v 1.912

Discussione in 'Topic ufficiali app' iniziata da simoscorpion, 10 Feb 2013.

  1. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    LMT Launcher

    Questo launcher, anche se non vero e proprio non sostituirà l'attuale launcher che avete ma si aggiunge rendendo ancora più facile la navigazione tra i menu e le schermate Android. Un programma che riteniamo indispensabile e che si sposa perfettamente con i dispositivi con display grandi o i Tablet da 7 pollici usati con una sola mano.
    Per far funzionare questo launcher è assolutamente necessario avere i permessi di root, inoltre dovrebbe andare su tutti gli smartphone e tablet e su con tutte le rom e launcher


    L'installazione è molto semplice, una volta scaricato l'apk dovrete metterlo sulla memoria del telefono e installarlo.
    Una volta avviato bisogna assolutamente concedergli i permessi di root

    LMT v1.912.apk



    1.912 -> Hide service notification icon on Android 4.3
    1.911 -> Added Android 4.3 support
    1.910 -> Added preview of configured actions; Some GUI changes in settings; Added some more pie area positions; Added superuser permission; Fixed GPS toggle and added mobile data toggle
    1.99 -> Made pie outline size configurable; Excluded home from pre/next/lastApp actions
    1.98 -> Fixed TouchService crash on devices < JB
    1.97 -> Resorted actions so please reconfigure them!; Optimized app launch action; Fixed crash with new injection method on older devices; 2000 + key is now longpress key with longer wait; Added new longpress key and lastApp action; Added pie bottom not centered option; Added new default animation for pie status info (old animation when animation time > 80); Added auto calibration of ISAS's touchscreen to screen factors. Just swipe (with gestures activated) multiple times in the lower right corner up; Made pie font size configurable
    1.96 -> Made back, menu and keyevent actions faster; Made app/activity start actions faster; Optimized prev/next app actions; Added new pie color options for gradients; Added longpress keys support (Action key with 1000+keycode); Added notification support for < ICS
    1.91 -> Adapted date style based on system settings; Added pie font configuration; Added pie status info dim color configuration
    1.9 -> Redesigned UI a little bit; New color picker; Added support for non armv7 devices; Fixed tasker task; Fixed script action; Fixed 24h clock
    1.86 -> Added 24h clock support; Fixed wrong Wifi level; Fixed wrong CPU cores; Improved notification handling; Introduced option to deactivate color filter for pie images
    1.85 -> Added pie sensor navigation support (Show pie status info = 2): Shake your device left/right to delete a notification and go to the next one. Shake your device up/down to go to straight text mode and back; Fixed pie status info for older devices; Centered pie at the bottom; Added pie outline support; Added system status info (CPU, Mem); Fixed clock format; Fixed pie not firing action; Fixed pie on the left wrong order
    Exchanged some pie icons
    1.8 -> First version of status infos on pie. Status info shows clock, additional infos and notifications. In order to get notifications on the pie you must activate LMT as accessibility service in the android settings. Swiping on the status info will pause the animation, swiping back on the pie will restart it. Releasing finger on the notification will start the corresponding application. Releasing finger on the clock will open the notification panel and releasing on additional infos will open quick settings panel; Added full color support for pie (normal, select, icon and status info). Set #ARGB,#ARGB,#ARGB,#ARGB or Android color constants e.g. "gray,yellow,black,yellow". Also app/user icons are colored now; Added new default pie color 5; New default TouchService mode is pie only since gestures are confusing for new users; Fixed exception in load icon code; Fixed icon size in app selection dialog; Changed some UI strings; Added new action OpenQuickSettings; Exchange some pie images; Cleaned up permissions
    1.7 -> Added pie from the bottom; added bigger activation area for pie items inspired by Paranoid Android pie
    1.67 -> Added scaling for pie user icons (new settings entry); fixed persistency bug for last 2 isas
    1.66 -> Fixed missing "OpenNotificationBar" action icon for pie; Fixed crash when using image overlays and isas
    1.65 -> Fixed crash in isa code; fixed bug in "open notification bar" action
    1.6 -> Added Isas (Invisible swipe areas). Define action being triggered when swiping from the sides of the screen (new configuration values "single swipes bbox" for min bbox to trigger the swipe, "single swipes activation area" for the width of the area the swipe must be started in and "touchscreen to screen factor X/Y" for these devices, where the touchscreen values have a different resolution compared to the screen - e.g. X=160%, Y=200% for the Nexus7 and X=200%, Y=100% for the HTC Sensation); Resolved pie activation area interfering with the keyboard: The area is now moved upwards when keyboard is open; Block single touch gestures/swipes when keyboard is open; Improved speed of gesture engine; Changed some default configuration values; Deactivated tap and hold gestures (they didn't work anyway); Added support for app icons on the pie; Added Tasker Action; Added new styles for the pie; Updated input device list; Improved security
    1.5 -> Refactored whole GUI to match ICS/JB/Holo style with swiping tabs; Fixed small bug with pie debug activation area; Added pie animation from JellyBean pie in browser (only >= Honeycomb); Made pie animation time configurable; Changed code for home command to make it faster; Updated PayPal link for English website; Updated input device list
    1.4 -> JellyBean bugfix release; Fixed disappearing pie when rotating the screen in jb; Adapted pie outer radius to fit new jb style (80)
    1.3 -> Fixed pie firing commands even if fg app was blacklisted; Changed behavior for command killApp to really force stop the app; Added again vibrate on shortpress as an option for the pie feedback style; Fixed startup delay affecting all other starting apps; Fixed bug where pie icons disappeared when using them for short- and longpress commands; Improved pie icon size handling for user defined icons (they will have a constant size now)
    1.2 -> Fixed run on startup problems on GNex; Added separate blacklist for pie; Changed pie feedback style shortpress to fire; Change to proper pie icons on longpress; Made pie icons configurable (Path: "/sdcard/Android/data/", Files: pie[0-19].png or [actioname].png); Fixed rotation bug where pie showed up even if it was disabled; Added multi command feature for pie (swipe onto one pie item n times to fire the command n times)
    1.1 -> Added blacklist support for pie; Fixed bug where pie didn't come up with the first try; Added show pie activation area debug feature (area is shown when you change area settings); Added vertical gravity setting for the pie activation area; Fixed too small x activation area for the pie; Fixed wrong positioned pie icons when pie is on left side; Included system apps in app/activity command dialog (e.g. choose to show the settings menu); Fixed pie crash when rotating the screen; Pie longpress timer is now handled for every pie item; Added root context reinit in case of a crash
    Fixed crash when selecting an app without activities
    1.0 -> Refactored pie code and fixed crash related to pie; Added fully customizable pie feature; Fixed multiple action after gesture recognition; Added customizable vibration time; Added "no pie vibration" to options
    0.97 -> Fixed root permissions for some usecases
    0.96 -> Fixed crash when setting wrong values for pie radius; Fixed pie rotation bug bug
    0.95 -> Made pie color fully configurable; Added haptic feedback for the pie; Made pie size configurable; Fixed pie rotation bug
    0.9 -> Fixed Galaxy S ICS support; Added support for PieControl on both sides; Added 2 new commands: KillApp and KillAllApps; Added longpress support for PieControl: Back->KillApp, Home->PowerOff, Recent->KillAllApps, Menu->Settings and Search->VoiceSearch
    0.85 -> Implemented ICS recent apps (finally...)
    0.8 -> Added a first version of the PieControl with predefined actions
    0.75 -> Fixed gesture recognition problem on GSN; Refactored TouchService code; optimized recognition performance/speed; refined compiler settings
    0.7 -> Fixed launch app delay; Fixed autostart problem on ICS; Implemented ActivitySelect feature; Added blacklist support to exclude apps from gesture recognition; Added new TaskSwitcher commands
    0.6 -> Fixed TouchService restart bug; Sorted app list alphabetically; Automatically restart TouchService when switching input device; Adapted superuser rights to ICS; Changed HOME_LONGPRESS to KEYEVENT_APP_SWITCH (187); Added Galaxy Nexus support; Refactored TouchService
    0.5 -> Show current settings in input dialogs; Show TouchService state toaster; added known devices in input list; added autostart after startup feature
    0.4 -> Improved touchservice code; added app select list for app action; added activity action
    0.35 -> LMT is now rotation aware; added tactile feedback for gesture recognition; corrected some strings
    0.3 -> Omit overlay when no command given; add more gesture recognition settings; add new toggle commands for Wifi, BT and GPS
    0.25 -> Fixed HD2 TouchService code; Corrected logcat output for HD2
    0.2 -> Added HTC Sensation support
    0.1 -> First release
    Fonte: Xda
    Ultima modifica: 1 Set 2013
  2. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    aggiunta la v 1.91
  3. Omar

    Omar Guest

    Questo link non va...
  4. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    va a momenti, è l'unico link che c'è, comunque prova la versione prima che va bene
  5. Omar

    Omar Guest

    La sto provando :thumb:
  6. quizface

    quizface Baby Droid

    28 Set 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Perché e' stato chiuso questo tred:
    Full Screen (necessita root)
    non mi pare che si tratti della stessa guida, si usa solo la stessa applicazione, ma per una cosa diversa e su un tablet specifico Nexus 7
    La cosa mi e' sembrata un tantino arrogante ed inopportuna
  7. Morissio

    Morissio Guest

    quiz te l'ho riaperto perchè oltre al launcher parli del FullScreenToggleV2 che qui non viene trattato.
    Però definirlo un comportamento arrogante ed inopportuno lo trovo al quanto esagerato, basta dirlo e come vedi le cose si chiariscono/risolvono no?

    OT chiuso.
    A yann73 piace questo elemento.
  8. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    se moderare un thread già esistente è essere arroganti ed inopportuni allora sono colpevole

    poi scrivere un post per ste stupidate, se volevi che riaprissi bastava che mim mandassi un mp senza inquinare un thread
    Ultima modifica: 29 Mar 2013
    A yann73 piace questo elemento.
  9. quizface

    quizface Baby Droid

    28 Set 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Grazie per le vostre attenzioni ;)
  10. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    aggiunta la v 1.98
  11. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    uscita la v 1.912
  12. Stefano Scalfari

    Stefano Scalfari Baby Droid

    31 Ago 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    io ho ancora problemi col centro notifiche :'( nonostante caccio la spunta delle notifiche ad ogni riavvio mi ricompare la notifica che è LMT è in funzione e devo rimettere e ricacciare la spunta dalle informazioni dell'app... assurdo!
  13. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    capita anche a me ma dipende da android 4.3 non da LMT