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Possibile far girare le ROM Android anche sulla scheda di memoria esterna.

Discussione in 'Sony Xperia U' iniziata da josoft, 27 Ago 2014.

  1. josoft

    josoft Baby Droid

    3 Dic 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Avendo il mio Xperia U ST25i murato e non trovando altre possibilità di farlo partire, ho letto che grazie a uno sviluppatore XDA, [Q] dead mmc -- ideas? | Transformer TF701 | XDA Forum per la prima volta diventa possibile far girare le ROM Android anche sulla scheda di memoria esterna. Qualcuno ha provato questa procedura, può eessere applicata sul sony e quindi farlo rivivere ??? =O
  2. Raffaele

    Raffaele Silver Droid

    20 Apr 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Xperia u non ha memoria esterna.
  3. josoft

    josoft Baby Droid

    3 Dic 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Hai ragione, ma si potrebbe usare una chiavetta usb con cavo otg al posto di lasciarlo come ferma carte ?? Questa discussione potrebbe diventare abbastanza interessante. Che ne dite. Grazie. :)
  4. gio03

    gio03 Worker Droid

    22 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    La cosa sembra interessante ma non ne ho mai sentito parlare.
    Potresti linkare la discussione di xda??
    Comunque se lo fai da otg sicuramente il tutto risulterà molto lento
  5. josoft

    josoft Baby Droid

    3 Dic 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Era già inserito nel primo post [Q] dead mmc -- ideas? | Transformer TF701 | XDA Forum
    "lexelby Old 1st August 2014, 03:50 AM #17
    Member - OP
    Thanks Meter 49

    Posts: 66
    Join Date: Jan 2012

    I took sdbags's stock zip (4.3) and extracted it on my computer. I used unmkbootimg to extract the initramfs.gz and kernel.gz from the boot.img in the ROM. I unzipped the initramfs and un-cpio'd it, then modified macallan.fstab to refer to /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 for /data, p2 for /system, and p3 for /cache. I also modified init.macallan.rc to avoid having it try to make filesystems on the EMMC -- I want it not to try touching the EMMC at all.

    Next I rebuilt the initramfs.gz. I bought a good quality class 10 microsd and partitioned it on my computer with 3 primary partitions, one for /data, one for /system, and one for /cache (about 2GB and 1GB for /system and /cache). I made ext4 filesystems on all 3 partitions, mounted p2, and copied the rom over and installed it by hand using the updater-script as a guide. Then I unmounted and popped the SD card into my TF701t.

    To boot it, I put my tablet into fastboot mode. I booted the kernel and ramdisk using 'fastboot boot' -- no need for kexec from recovery. I can do this without any reliance whatsoever on the internal EMMC. It took awhile to boot up, but it booted first try. The app drawer was a bit slow to come up, but I'm pretty happy I get to use my tablet at all! This whole process turned out to be MUCH easier than I expected it would be, and I'm quite confident I could do this to boot any ROM I wanted. I only use stock because of driver issues with my bluetooth keyboard.

    Still willing to try my hand at maintaining cromi's ROM2SD branch though

    Thanks everyone for all of your help!"
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