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    [ROM] [NK2 4.4.2][Real S5 experience] Imperium v15.0 [FAST][SMOOTH][STABLE][04/12/14]

    Discussione in 'Rom per Galaxy S4' iniziata da slim80, 9 Nov 2014.

    1. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Imperium v15.0
      (KK 4.4.2)

      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      [​IMG] [​IMG]

      Based on the firmware NK2
      Rooted with SuperSU
      OpenVPN support
      Aroma installer
      Auto format cache, dalvik-cache, preload and system before flashing the ROM
      Custom Settings for Imperium ROM - (thanks to ficeto and Goldie)
      OTA Update with Update me Imperium - (thanks acquariusoft)

      Imperium kernel - (thnaks to Slim80)
      Talexop Kernel - (thanks to talexop)
      KT kernel - (thanks to Ktoonsez)
      Adam kernel - (thanks to Wanam)
      AEL kernel - (thanks to friedrich420)
      Alucard-Kernel - (thanks to alucard_24)
      Googy Max 3 Kernel - (thanks to googy_anas)

      Philz - (thanks to Philz)

      GAPPS (Google apps)
      Bloatware (trovate il download in OTA e in fondo al post)

      Es File Explorer (in aroma)
      Gallery Excluder (in aroma)
      Dolphin Browser (in aroma)
      LMT launcher (in aroma) - (thanks to noname81)
      GravityBox (in aroma) - (thanks to C3C076)
      Complete Action Plus (in aroma) - (thanks to p.valenta)
      Greenify (in aroma) - (thanks to oasisfeng)
      Adobe Flash Player
      PowerSearch for powerful web searching experience - (thanks to zer0lab)
      Xposed Installer Framework - (thanks to rovo89)
      Xposed App Settings - (thanks to Tungstwenty)
      Wanam Xposed - (credits to wanam)

      With Wanam Xposed (credits to wanam)
      Call Recording
      4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
      Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
      Secure Samsung Keyboard
      Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
      Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
      Flashlight trough volume button UP
      Skip Music with Volume buttons
      Save Call Logs View
      Enable Keyboard Symbols
      Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
      Enable Camera while calling
      Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
      Bypass Exchange Lock check
      Notification Panel Customization
      Long Home key behavior
      Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
      Disable increasing ringtone
      Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
      Disable Scrolling cache
      Enable Full rotations
      White/Colored Circle Battery
      Transparent Notifications panel
      Customize Clock format and size
      Customize Battery text helper size
      Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
      Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
      2 line formatted date on the panel header
      Dark themed Multi-Window
      Disable Boot sound
      Customize Two line date header format
      White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
      Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
      Default hidden SMS logs
      Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
      Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
      Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
      Disable Launcher page rotation
      Add Exit button to browser
      SMS Automatic input mode
      Disable Call number formatting
      Enable unlimited Contacts joining
      Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
      Set default Browser view to Desktop
      Hide Wireless charging popup
      Hide Full Battery Notification
      Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center) (Compatible with I9300 and I9500 only)
      NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
      Hide Headset icon and notification bar
      Disable TW DVFS
      Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
      Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
      Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
      Disable Wake Home button
      Use separate Address field on Contacts
      Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
      Added SMS sent time details
      Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
      Disable low Battery warning
      Add custom carrier label on notification label
      Set low Camera battery level
      Change System Holo Dark/Light background
      Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
      Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
      And much more to come...

      Real Galaxy S5 experience
      S5 fonts
      S5 app icon
      S5 recent app
      S5 Quick Panel
      S5 wallpaper
      S5 boot and shutdown animation
      S5 TouchWiz
      S5 S Voice
      S5 MyFiles
      S5 Accuweather
      S5 Contacts and Dialer
      S5 Calculator
      S5 Calendar
      S5 Voice Recorder
      S5 Mms
      S5 Keyboard
      S5 Gallery
      S5 Settings
      S5 Memo
      S5 S Baro (Barometer)
      S5 S Finder
      S5 S Health
      S5 S Note
      S5 Group Play v3.0 with Group Camcorder
      S5 Samsung Watch ON
      S5 Photo Studio (Photo Retouching)
      S5 TouchWiz
      S5 sound
      S5 Particle unlock effect
      S5 theme
      S5 S View Cover (thanks to Robo3737)
      S5 Viedo Player
      S5 Music Player (thanks to $ideWinder)
      S5 Email
      S5 Browser
      Note3 OneHand
      Note3 Water color unlock effect
      Note3 TouchWiz without My Magazine
      Note3 MyFiles
      Note3 Mms
      Note3 Calculator
      Note3 Wallpaper
      Note3 Incoming call
      Note3 Action Memo
      Note4 fonts
      Note4 wallpaper
      Note4 sound
      Note4 boot and shutdown animation
      Android L bootanimation
      Android L fonts
      Google keyboard
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 Mms
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 calculator
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 clock
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 Roboto Condenced Fonts
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 sounds
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 system apps icons
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 wallpaper
      AOSP KitKat 4.4.3 email
      Sony Xperia Z3 apps icons
      Sony Xperia Z3 wallpaper
      Sony Xperia Z3 Launcher with Weather Widget
      Sony Xperia Walkman, Album and Movie
      Viper4Android (thanks to viper520 and zhuhang)
      Modded Bootanimation (Thanks to Volpe92)
      3Minit Battery Mod (credits to gharrington)
      TorchLite toggle in S5 Ultra Pack (credits to tamirda)
      Fix GPS
      Inverted and transparent Google Play Store (thanks to camblue)
      Multi CSC
      Lock Button on statusbar
      Home Button on statusbar
      All in one S4, Note3, S5, Xperia Z3, MotoX 2014 and Nexus5 wallpaper in "Wallpaper Chooser menu" (on OTA)
      Call Rec button in S5 dialer
      and more...

      build.prop tweaks
      improve ext4 file system performance
      FAST TouchWiz (credits to SkywalkerZ)
      GPU redering (force 60fps)
      zipalign all app at the boot
      Sqlite optimize
      3G tweaks
      Tweaked kernel and vm
      Performance, moderate and battery saver script in aroma

      - Recovery custom (consigliate Philz o CWM)
      - Modem Kit Kat 4.4.2 (apri lo spoiler)

      Come installare la ROM:
      - Eseguire prima un backup dei dati, app e sd interna
      - Mettere lo zip contente la ROM nella SD esterna
      - Riavviare in modalità recovery
      - Istallare "Imperium" (Seguire il wizard d'istallazione di aroma)
      - Istallare "S5 Ultra" (opzionale)
      - Istallare "Bloatware" (opzionale)
      - Riavviare

      *** KNOX FREE ***

      --> Download <--

      MD5: 96a2e155a579f6e5d8034b3cdca1fb7a

      S5 Ultra Pack v3.2 (NK2)

      ---> Download <---

      MD5: 899c0ee53a4134c3caef85c13fd8ea24

      original thread

      Bloatware v10.0
      (removed apps and more...)
      (aroma installer)
      All Together (Note4)
      Easy Home screen mode
      ELM Agent
      Gear manager
      Gear Fit
      Group Play (S5)
      Help user manual
      HW test
      Key Manual (S5)
      Kids Mode
      Memo (S4/S5/Note4)
      Mobile Print
      Optical Reader (S4/Note4)
      Page Buddy
      Polaris Office Viewer (S5)
      S Baro (Barometer)
      S Health (S4/S5/Note4)
      S Note (S5/Note4)
      S Translator (Note4)
      S Voice (S4/S5)
      Samsung Hub
      Samsung Link
      Side Sync (Note4)
      Smart Remote (Note4)
      SnapBizCard (Note4)
      Watch ON
      Scapbook (S5)
      Story Album (S4/S5/Note4)
      Talk back
      Web Manual

      --> download <--

      md5: 28838a5adca729cd5b9999b0c5ee75a3​

      >>> Change log & Tweaks <<<

      Installare la Imperium ROM senza modificare il contatore Knox (0x0)
      crediti a peppe130



      Grazie al Team Imperium (Slim80 e WalterWhite), a dsixda per la cucina, tutti gli autori delle mod presenti nella mia ROM e a tutti gli Imperiali e Audaxiani.

      Se apprezzate il mio lavoro, potete offrirmi una birra... :D

      Ultima modifica di un moderatore: 5 Feb 2015
      A WalterWhite, Gramier, boomby e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
    2. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Change log:

      Imperium v13.0 (KK 4.4.2)
      v13.0 - 19/10/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NI2
      - Removed Power Search
      - Removed HW Test (moved in the Bloatware Pack)
      - Removed Kernel Settings tweak (unnecessary)
      - Added Imperium Kernel v1.0
      - Added Note4 fonts
      - Added Note4 wallpaper
      - Added Note4 sound
      - Added Note4 boot and shutdown animation
      - Added Google Play Store inverted
      - Updated SuperSU v2.14
      - Updated Sony Walkman v8.4.A.4.4
      - Updated Sony Album v6.3.A.0.12
      - Updated Sony Movies v7.3.A.0.2
      - Updated Samsung Galaxy app v14093005.02.008.1
      - Updated Google Play Services v6.1.74
      - Updated Google Play Store v5.0.32
      - Updated Google Chrome v38.0.2125.102
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.4.5
      - Updated Greenify v2.4.4
      - Updated Wanam Xposed v3.2.0
      - Updated ES File Explorer v3.2.1.2
      - Updated Flipboard v2.3.12
      - Updated Dolphin SBrowser v11.2.6
      - Updated AdAway v2.9.2
      - Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v2.2
      - Updated Xperia Z3 Keyboard and Home from the last FW
      - Updated Kernel Cleaning Script
      - Updated Googy Max Kernel v1.1.7
      - Updated AEL Kernel v6.3
      - Two versions for AEL Kernel (Mainline and Superlative)

      v12.0 - 18/09/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NH8
      - Updated Greenify v2.4.2
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.4.2
      - Updated Wanam Xposed v3.0.3
      - Updated Google Play services 6.1.05 (1438406-038)
      - Updated Imperium Tweaks
      - Minor bugs fixed

      v11.0 - 16/09/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NH7
      - Added Xperia Z3 Keyboard
      - Added Xperia Z3, Note4 and MotoX Wallpaper
      - Replaced Xperia Z2 app icons with Xperia Z3 app icons
      - Replaced Xperia Z2 launcher with Xperia Z3 launcher
      - Updated S5 theme v1.1 with a better S5 Power Menu (thanks to nmeuret) and other
      - Updated BusyBox v1.23.0 (thanks to 7175)
      - Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v2.1
      - Updated Kernel Cleaning script
      - Updated Googy Max Kernel v1.1.6
      - Updated AEL Kernel v6.1
      - Updated Alucard Kernel v2.1a
      - Updated Talexop Kernel v3.3
      - Updated Adam Kernel v2.5
      - Updated ANTPlusPlugin
      - Updated S5 MyMagazine and Flipboard
      - Updated Samsung IAP
      - Updated ES File Explorer v3.2.0
      - Updated S5 SBrowser to NG9
      - Updated Dolphin SBrowser v11.2.3
      - Updated Google Chrome v37.0.2062.117
      - Updated Google TTS
      - Updated Google Camera v2.3.020
      - Updated Google Play Music v5.6.1617P.1333751
      - Updated LMT - PIE Control v2.1
      - Updated Greenify v2.4.1
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.4.1
      - Updated Xposed AppSettings v1.10
      - Updated Xposed CompleteActionPlus v2.4.2
      - Updated Wanam Xposed v3.0.1
      - Updated Sony Walkman v8.4.A.3.1
      - Updated Sony Album v6.2.A.0.22
      - Updated Sony Movies v7.1.A.0.4
      - Updated AdAway v2.9.1
      - Updated Imperium Tweaks
      - Removed the old themed Play Store versions
      - AllShare (Screen Mirroring) integrated by default
      - Fixed screen mirroring issues with custom kernel (credits to sorg)
      - Fixed many issues with S5 Emali
      - Fixed Sound Alive issues with S5 Music Player
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v10.0 - 08/08/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NG8
      - Replaced S5 S-View with stock S4 S-View
      - Changed launcher choice in aroma installer
      - Updated Google Now Launcher v1.1.0.1167994
      - Updated Xperia Z2 Launcher
      - Updated Adam Kernel v2.4
      - Updated AEL Kernel v4.1
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.6
      - Updated Google Chrome v36.0.1985.131
      - Updated ANT Radio Service
      - Fixed bootanimation choice in aroma installer
      - Fixed minor bug with S5 MusicLiveShare and Video
      - Fixed Sms popup background issue
      - Fixed Air Accept issue
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v9.0 - 03/08/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NG4
      - Added S4 AccuWeather Widget for S4 Alarm widget and Calendar compatibility
      - Added Note3 Action Memo (thanks to robo3737)
      - Replaced Camera shortcut with ActionMemo in S5 S View (thanks to robo3737)
      - Deleted Speaker and Mute options with S5 Sview during call (thanks to robo3737)
      - Added Select item in S5 Sview (thanks to robo3737)
      - Added Save/Restore sms in S5 Mms app (credits to Tamerlan2009)
      - Added Super Wipe choice in aroma
      - Added Exit button on Samsung browser
      - Added secondary keyboard symbol choice in aroma
      - Added disable boot sound choice in aroma
      - Added 3minit battery mod by default (credits to gharrington)
      - Removed OG Battery mod
      - Removed Pull Up FakeJap
      - Replaced CSC Selector with the link to download "Phone INFO *Samsung*"
      - Updated S5 TW from NG2 fw without pull up function
      - Updated SuperSU v2.02
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.6
      - Updated Google Play Service v5.0.89
      - Updated Google Play Store v4.9.13 (only stock app)
      - Updated GALAXY Apps
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.1.3
      - Updated Google Keyboard
      - Fixed Google Keyboard
      - Fixed read sms in sview, reject a call sms, and fix for call (thanks to robo3737)
      - Fixed minor bugs with some S5 apps
      - Fixed S Finder installation
      - Other minor bugs fixed
      - Other minor changes

      v8.0 - 20/07/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NG2
      - Added silent EFS folder backup during installation
      - Added transparent Google Play Store (thanks to camblue)
      - Added S5 Browser (works with Smart Scroll)
      - Added S5 Email (works with Smart Scroll)
      - Added new battery in OGBattery
      - Removed modded notification panel for more compatibility with GravityBox and many other xposed modules
      - Updated S5 Calculator
      - Updated S5 Mms
      - Updated S5 Voice Recorder
      - Updated S5 Gallery
      - Updated S5 Calendar
      - Updated S5 My Files
      - Updated S5 Keyboard
      - Updated S5 fonts
      - Updated S5 Accuweather Widget
      - Updated S5 S View Cover with Weather and S Health (credits to Robo3737)
      - Updated Samsung app (now is called Galaxy app)
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.4
      - Updated GravityBox v3.2.5
      - Updated Wanam Xposed .2.9.9
      - Updated Xperia Movie Video Player
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.1.1
      - Updated KT Kernel v07.12.2014
      - Updated Alucard Kernel v1.7
      - Updated Wanam Kernel (NG2 ramdisk)
      - Updated Google TTS
      - Updated Google Chrome v36.0.1985.128
      - Updated Google Play Music v5.6.1609P.1258283
      - Updated ANT Radio Service
      - Fixed Multimedia UI Service Layer FC
      - Fixed S5 Video Player FC with Smart Pause enabled
      - Fixed delay after the call is finished
      - Fixed ringtones choise
      - Other minor bugs fixed
      - Other minor changes

      v7.1 - 06/07/2014
      - Added Android L bootanimation
      - Added Android L fonts
      - Added S5 Video Player
      - Added S5 Music Player
      - Added S5 S View Cover
      - Removed MX Player
      - Updated ITV csc
      - Updated SuperSU v2.01
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.9
      - Updated GravityBox v3.2.3
      - Updated Google Play Service v5.0.84
      - Updated Samsung billing
      - Updated Samsung IAP
      - Updated Samsung Push Service
      - Updated Google Camera v2.2.024
      - Updated Google Keyboard v3.1.2.20003
      - Updated Google Play Music v5.6.16
      - Updated ZeroLab PowerSearch v2.5
      - Fixed ext SdCard write problem
      - Fixed Call recording problem with S5 Dialer
      - Fixed FC when you configure VOIP account with S5 Dialer
      - Fixed FC when you configure rejection messages with S5 Dialer
      - Fixed FC when you configure VideoCall image with S5 Dialer
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v7.0 - 25/06/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NF1
      - Added Call Rec button in S5 Dialer
      - Removed stock S4 Accuweather Widget
      - Updated KT Kernel v06.19.14
      - Updated GravityBox v3.2.0
      - Updated CompleteActionPlus v2.2.6
      - Fixed OneHand problem
      - Fixed S5 My Magazine problem
      - Fixed stock S4 Settings incorrect installation
      - Fixed S5 Accuweather FC with locations list menu
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v6.0 - 20/06/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NE8
      - Added list view option in Settings S5 style
      - Added S5 Easy One Hand
      - Removed Note3 browser
      - Updated all porting from the last S5 fw NE4
      - Updated SuperSu v2.0
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.7
      - Updated Alucard Kernel v1.6c
      - Updated AEL kernel v3.0
      - Updated ES File Manager v3.1.8
      - Updated MX Player v1.7.28
      - Updated Greenify v2.3.2
      - Updated CompleteActionPlus v2.2.5
      - Updated GravityBox v3.1.7
      - Updated Sony Xperia Walkman v8.3.A.0.7
      - Fixed the problem with Lock and Home button on stock statusbar
      - Fixed Facebook sync problem with S5 calendar
      - Fixed Wi-Fi problem with Adam kernel
      - Fixed S view cover problem with S5 Dialer (credits to Robo3737)
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v5.1 - 12/06/2014
      - Added S5 Voice recorder
      - Added S5 Contacts and Dialer
      - Added initial S5 theme by Slim80
      - Added OG Battery Mod
      - Added AOSP KK 4.4.3 Mms
      - Added icon theme for AOSP clock
      - Added transparent notification panel
      - Updated Note3 porting from the last FW NE3
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.6
      - Updated Talexop Kernel v2.5.1
      - Updated Alucard Kernel v1.5c
      - Updated AEL kernel v2.1a
      - Updated KT Kernel 06.09.2014
      - Updated ES File Manager v3.1.5.3
      - Updated Xposed Complete Action Plus v2.2.3
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.1.6
      - Updated Google Chrome v35.0.1916.141
      - Updated Samsung Billing
      - Updated Google Play Store
      - Updated Google Calendar
      - Updated Google Camera and Gallery from KK 4.4.3
      - Updated AOSP Clock from KK 4.4.3
      - Updated AOSP Calculator from KK 4.4.3
      - Updated ZeroLab PowerSearch v2.3
      - Updated MX Player v1.7.27
      - Fixed Photo retouching problem
      - Fixed Screen mirroring problem
      - Fixed Wi-Fi problem for some devices
      - Fixed lockscreen problem for some devices
      - Other minor bugs fixed

      v5.0 - 24/05/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NE5
      - Removed OG Battery Mod (for now)
      - Added Power Saving shortcut in S5 Settings
      - Added MyFile (Archivio) in aroma
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.3
      - Updated ES File Manager
      - Updated Google Chrome v35

      v4.0 - 21/05/2014
      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NDG
      - Enabled "APP OPS" and "DOWNLOAD BOOSTER" in Settings (experimental features)
      - Updated S5 porting from the last FW NE2
      - Updated Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.2
      - Updated AEL Kernel v2.0
      - Updated KT kernel v05.14.2014
      - Updated Google Now Launcher v1.0.16
      - Updated Xposed Installer v2.6.1
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.1.3
      - Updated Greenify v2.3.1
      - Updated Xposed Wanam v2.9.8
      - Updated Xposed App Settings v1.9<
      - Updated Xposed Complete Action Plus v2.2.2
      - Updated ZeroLab Power Search v2.2
      - Updated Google Play Services v4.4.52
      - Updated Google Play Store v4.8.19
      - Updated SuperSu v1.97
      - Changed Sony Xperia Walkman installation without audio mod
      - Fixed S View cover problem with S5 style mod
      - Fixed Samsung HUB problem with S5 style mod
      - Other minor changes and bugs fix

      - Added 4 way reboot menu by default
      - Added Samsung S5 Keyboard
      - Added Samsung S5 Gallery
      - Added Samsung S5 Settings
      - Added Samsung S5 Particle unlock effect
      - Added Water color unlock effect
      - Added Note3 incoming call
      - Added Note3 browser
      - Added Sony Xperia Album (Gallery)
      - Added Sony Xperia Movies (Video Player)
      - Added Alucard Kernel v1.4
      - Added Googy Max 3 Kernel v1.0.0
      - Added "APP OPS" and "DOWNLOAD BOOSTER"
      - "S5 Quick panel and recent apps" mod moved in aroma
      - OGBattery mod moved in aroma
      - Removed S5 browser (bugged)
      - Removed S5 email (bugged)
      - New icon for Home button on statusbar
      - Updated Xperia Z2 Walkman v8.3.A.0.5
      - Updated Xperia Z2 Launcher from the last FW source
      - Updated Xposed Complete Action Plus v2.1.1
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.1.2
      - Updated Samsung Push Service
      - Updated Samsung IAP
      - Updated ES File Manager v3.1.3
      - Updated Google Play Music v5.5.1511O(1148372)
      - Updated KT kernel v04.28.2014
      - Updated AEL kernel v1.1
      - Updated kernel cleaning script
      - Updated ZeroLab PowerSearch v2.0
      - Updated Google Play Services v4.4.48
      - Fixed a minor bug with S5 S-Health
      - Fixed sCloud problem
      - Fixed delay after the call is finished
      - Fixed dpi for S5 calculator icon
      - Other minor changes and bugs fix

      - Real Samsung S5 experience
      - Bloatware moved in the new separate package
      - GAPPS moved in the new separate package
      - Added "Power Search" for powerful web searching experience
      - Added FAST TouchWiz MOD (credits to SkywalkerZ)
      - Ported many other S5 app
      >>> Accuweather
      >>> S Browser
      >>> S5 Calculator
      >>> Calendar
      >>> Email
      >>> Mms
      >>> Memo
      >>> S Baro (Barometer)
      >>> S Finder
      >>> S Health
      >>> S Note
      >>> Group Play v3.0 with Group Camcorder
      >>> Samsung Watch ON
      >>> Photo Studio (Photo Retouching)
      >>> TouchWiz (thanks to Arsaw and all E-team members)
      - Added S5 fonts
      - Added S5 app icon
      - Added S5 recent app
      - Added S5 Quick Panel
      - Added Note3 wallpaper
      - All in one S4, Note3, S5, Xperia Z2 and Nexus5 wallpaper in "Wallpaper Chooser menu" (Download it from OTA)
      - Added AEL Kernel v1
      - Updated Note3 TouchWiz with:
      >>> Updated to vers. END3
      >>> Added "Show and Hide application" option in app drawer menu
      >>> Fixed FC error when you want to choose the lockscreen wallpaper
      - Updated all Note3 app from the last FW END3
      - Updated Samsung Push Service
      - Updated Google Play Service v4.3.25
      - Updated Google Keyboard v3.0.19423.1102675a
      - Updated Xposed Framework v2.5.1
      - Updated Xposed AppSettings v1.8.0
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.0.3
      - Updated Xposed CompleteActionPlus v2.0.0
      - Updated Viper4Android v2.3.3.0
      - Updated ES File Manager v3.1.2
      - Updated KT Kernel v04.19.2014
      - Fixed LogCat problem (Thanks to michael_13)
      - Other minor changes and bugs fix

      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NC9
      - New Imperium Settings based on the official Custom Settings project (Thanks to ficeto and Goldie)
      - Removed "No flash kernel" choice in aroma
      - Removed Fast Dormancy app
      - Added Fast Dormancy menu in aroma for to disable it
      - Added new battery icons on OGBattery
      - Updated Imperium tweaks
      - Updated Google Chrome
      - Updated Trip Advisor
      - Updated Xposed GravityBox v3.0.2
      - Updated KT Kernek v04.07.2014

      - Based on the last official Samsung firmware NC4
      - Added Home button on statusbar
      - Added Adobe FlashPlayer KK compatible (only with Dolphin browser)
      - Added Dolphin Browser v10.3.1 in aroma
      - Changed how to choose the browser in aroma
      - Updated Complete Action Plus v1.9.7
      - Updated Google Chrome
      - Updated Note3 system apps from the last NC2 fw
      - Updated Samsung App
      - Updated Samsung IAP
      - Updated Adam Kernel v2.3
      - Updated Talexop Kernel v2.5
      - Updated KT Kernek v04.02.2014
      - Updated all Xperia Z1 app/mod/theme to Xperia Z2
      - Added Weather Widget for Xperia Z2 launcher
      - Added Sony Xperia Z2 Walkman
      - Fixed OGBattery Mod that don't work if lock button on statusbar was not select in aroma
      - Fixed translation in S5 MyFiles
      - Other minor changes and bugs fixed​

      S5 Ultra Pack v2.7
      - Updated the framework files to NI2 fw
      - Updated Flipboard v2.3.12

      - Added new choice in aroma installer for to add Quick Connect and S Finder buttons under the toggles on Notification Panel
      - Added in aroma a new choice for enable/disable the secondary symbol in the Samsung keyboard
      - Added by default the Imperium S5 theme with a better S5 Power Menu (thanks to nmeuret) and statusbar icons
      - Fixed S Health position in S View

      - Added Fast S5 TW in aroma (credits to SkywalkerZ)
      - Added deleting S5 TW data in aroma
      - Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v2.2
      - Fixed Sound Alive issues with S5 Music Player
      - Fixed lockscreen issues

      - Fixed Static IP and DNS setting
      - Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v2.1
      - Updated S5 S View Cover with custom size picture (thanks to robo3737)

      - Updated the framework files to NG8 fw
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.8
      - Fixed page indicator position in S-View

      - Added many other unlock effects (credits to tamirda)
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.6
      - Fixed Car Mode and Hands-free Mode issues
      - Fixed 3Minit icon size
      - Fixed minor bug with S5 MusicLiveShare and Video
      - Fixed Sms popup background issue
      - Fixed TorchLigth issue when you change the toggles order

      - Updated the framework files to NG4 fw
      - Added aroma installer with:
      --- lock and button on statusbar
      --- Recording Call for S5 Dial
      - Added 3Minit Battery Mod (credits to gharrington)
      - Added TorchLigth toggle (credits to tamirda)
      - Added S5 S Voice
      - Updated S5 S View (thanks to robo3737)
      - Updated S5 TouchWiz
      - Updated S5 Mms
      - Updated csc features
      - Fixed read sms in sview, reject a call sms, and fix for call (thanks to robo3737)
      - Fixed minor bugs with some S5 apps

      - Based on the new S5 porting v2 by tamirda (thanks to him)
      - Updated the framework files to NG2 fw
      - Updated S5 S View Cover by Robo3737
      - Updated S5 app from the Imperium v8.0
      - Added S5 Music Player
      - Fixed ringtones issue
      - Other minor changes

      - Initial release​

      Bloatware v8.1
      - Added Note4 All Together v1.8.4
      - Added Note4 Hancom Office 2014 v7.0.141029
      - Added Note4 S-Health v3.5.1.0668
      - Added Note4 Story Album v1.3.44
      - Added Note4 SnapBizCard v4.9.0.0
      - Added Note4 S-Note with Easy chart
      - Added S4, S5 and Note4 Memo
      - Updated Flipboard v3.0.0
      - Updated S-Baro v1.0.26.141029 from Note4 store
      - Updated S-Translator v1.2.09 from Note4 store
      - Updated Samsung SideSync v3.0.7.1 from Note4 store
      - Updated Samsung Smart Remote v7.9.10 from Note4 store
      - Updated Samsung Gear Manager v2.2.14110499 from Note4 store
      - Updated Samsung Barcode Reader v4.9.3.0 from Note4 store

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NI2
      - Added Samsung HW Test from Imperium ROM
      - Added Samsung S5 Smart Remote
      - Updated Samsung Gear Fit Manager v1.88.0901
      - Updated Samsung Gear Manager v2.2.14100299
      - Updated Samsung Hub
      - Updated Dropbox v2.4.5.10
      - Updated Trip Advisor v9.2.2-rc200

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NH8
      - Updated Flipboard v2.4.0
      - Updated S5 S Baro v1.0.23.140813<
      - Updated Trip Advisor v9.2.1-rc176
      - Updated Google Talk Back v3.5.2 and moved in data/app
      - Updated POLARIS Office View v5.0.4409.01 and moved in data/app
      - AllShare (Screen Mirroring) moved in Imperium ROM zip

      - Updated Dropbox v2.4.3.12
      - Updated S5 S-Health v3.2.3.0031 and Health Service v1.3.331
      - Updated Samsung Gear Fit Manager v1.78.0721
      - Updated Samsung S5 WatchON v14082701.2.03.36
      - Updated Samsung S5 SideSync v3.0.6.4
      - Updated Samsung S5 Group Camcorder v1.0.032
      - Updated Trip Advisor v9.1.3-rc160

      - Fixed S4 S Voice issue installation
      - Fixed S5 Group Play issue installation

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NG8
      - New S5 S-Voice for fix Car Mode and Hands-free Mode issues
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.6
      - Fixed S5 S Health issue installation
      - Fixed S5 Story Album issue installation

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NG4
      - Updated S5 Group Play CamCorder
      - Added S5 Key Manual
      - Added S5 Side Sync
      - Added S5 Story Album
      - Removed S4 and S5 Memo app (replaced with Note3 Action Memo)
      - Fixed S5 Scrapbook installation

      - Updated S5 Scrapbook
      - Fixed S5 S-Translator installation

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NG2
      - Updated S5 Memo from the last FW NG2
      - Updated S5 S-Voice v11.
      - Updated S5 S-Health v3.2.0014
      - Updated S5 S-Translator v1.1.78
      - Updated S5 Group Play v3.0.200
      - Updated S5 Samsung Link v2.0.1909
      - Updated S5 Samsung Link Platform v2.0.2
      - Updated Flipbord v2.3.4
      - Updated Trip Advisor v9.0.4-rc42
      - Fixed TripAdvisor installation

      - Added S5 Gear Fit Manager
      - Updated Flipboard
      - Updated S5 S-Translator
      - Updated S5 WatchON
      - Updated S5 Optical Reader
      - Updated S5 S Baro
      - Updated S5 Group Play CamCorder

      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NF1
      - Updated S5 system apps from the last FW NE4
      - Updated S5 Group Play
      - Updated S5 Group Play CamCorder
      - Updated S5 S Note
      - Updated Dropbox

      - Updated S5 S-Note
      - Updated S5 S-Health
      - Updated S5 Group Play
      - Updated S5 Camcorder
      - Updated S5 S-Translator
      - Updated S5 S-Baro
      - Updated S5 WatchON
      - Updated S5 Optical Reader

      v2.0 - 24/05/2014
      - Added Samsung Kids mode
      - Removed My Files
      - Updated S4 system apps from the last FW NE5
      - Updated S5 system apps from the last FW NE2
      - Updated S5 S Voice
      - Updated S5 ChatON
      - Minor bugs fixed

      - Updated S5 Scrapbook
      - Updated S5 S-Note
      - Updated S5 S-Health
      - Updated S5 Group Play

      - Added S5 Scrapbook
      - Updated S5 S-Translator

      - Added S5 SamsungLink
      - Updated S5 S-Voice
      - Updated S5 S-Health
      - Updated ChatON
      - Minor bugs fixed

      - Fixed WatchON is not installed
      - Fixed S5 memo is not installed
      - Updated DropBox v2.4.1
      - Updated Samsung Music Hub

      - Initial release
      - Ported S5 apps​

      Known issues:
      - Se si installano porting al posto delle app stock S4, è possibile che qualche funzione proprietaria del Samsung S4 non funzioni correttamente;
      - Widget sveglia funziona solo con S4 Acuuweather widget. Non funziona con S5 Accuweather widget;
      - Con il Calendario S5, Facebook sync non funziona--> Scaricare e installare this fix questo fix come una normale app.
      - Home key e tasto menu nel pannello notifiche non funzionano con l'S5 Ultra Pack --> E' necessario installare e avviare l'S5 Ultra Pack con la TW S5. Fatto ciò, è possibile usare un launcher alternativo.

      ViPER4Android Audio Profiles

      Original thread: [APP] Official ViPER4Android Audio Effects
      IRS (Impulse Response Sample): [V4A][IRS] Impulse Response Sample Index
      Audio Profiles: Official ViPER4Android Audio Profiles.

      N.B. Siate sicuri che non vada in conflitto con altre mod audio.


      Installazione del framework:
      - Avviare Xposed Installer andando su Impostazioni>Mio dispositivo>Imperium Settings>Xposed Menu e cliccare su "Install/Update"
      - Riavviare

      Installazione di un modulo xposed:
      - Scaricare modulo.apk e installarlo
      - Avviare Xposed Installer andando su Impostazioni>Mio dispositivo>Imperium Settings>Xposed Menu > "Modules"
      - Abilitare il modulo
      - Riavviare​
      A WalterWhite, Gramier, KAVSTEFA e ad altre 2 persone piace questo elemento.
    3. kingalessandro

      kingalessandro Baby Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Pronti! Si aprono le tende anche qui ;)
      A pencio, Gramier, KAVSTEFA e ad altre 2 persone piace questo elemento.
    4. Pierdebeer

      Pierdebeer Bronze Droid

      4 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Benvenuto amico mio...sempre al tuo fianco.
      A Gramier, KAVSTEFA, kingalessandro e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
    5. boomby

      boomby Worker Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Benvenuto Slim

      Inviato dal mio SM-N9005 utilizzando Tapatalk
      A Gramier, KAVSTEFA e slim80 piace questo elemento.
    6. pescixx79

      pescixx79 Worker Droid

      4 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Benvenuta alla famiglia Imperium!
      A boomby, pencio, Gramier e ad altre 2 persone piace questo elemento.
    7. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Grazie ragazzi. Audax e Imperium sono parenti stretti. Quindi, la considero un'unica famiglia
      A boomby, pencio, Gramier e ad altre 4 persone piace questo elemento.

      KAVSTEFA Baby Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Grande Rom e grande slim80.
      A boomby, slim80, pencio e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
    9. uzzz

      uzzz Baby Droid

      12 Apr 2013
      "Mi Piace":
      Benvenuto Slim! !!
      The Best family Imperium-Audax
      A boomby, slim80, pencio e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
    10. Gramier

      Gramier Baby Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Grande Slim. Si sbarca anche qui. In bocca al lupo Amico mio
      A boomby, slim80 e pencio piace questo elemento.
    11. WalterWhite

      WalterWhite Baby Droid

      10 Nov 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Eccomi. Ci sono anche io, ragazzi
      A slim80, Gramier, kingalessandro e ad altre 2 persone piace questo elemento.
    12. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      NJ8 modem online.

      Aggiornato in OTA l'Alucard Kernel v2.3g.

      Benvenuto amico
      A kingalessandro, WalterWhite, Gramier e ad altre 2 persone piace questo elemento.
    13. kingalessandro

      kingalessandro Baby Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Grazie boss :D
    14. kingalessandro

      kingalessandro Baby Droid

      5 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Chi non installa questa rom ha le pulci lol
      A pescixx79, slim80, Gramier e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
    15. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Imperium v15.0, S5 Ultra Pack, Bloatware v10.0 e NK2 modem online.
      A WalterWhite, Pierdebeer e pescixx79 piace questo elemento.
    16. black33

      black33 Worker Droid

      2 Feb 2013
      "Mi Piace":
      ho su la Bluemak2000_5.0 base cyano_11, modem GNG8, posso installare da recovery con lo zip di questa ROM (dopo i wipe...?) ?!?

      Grazie ;)
    17. slim80

      slim80 Baby Droid

      16 Set 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Si, certo ;)
      A Pierdebeer piace questo elemento.
    18. simotro

      simotro Baby Droid

      26 Dic 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      A slim80 piace questo elemento.
    19. doublef88

      doublef88 Worker Droid

      23 Dic 2012
      "Mi Piace":
      Ciao a tutti. Ho installato questa stupenda rom.. ho installato prima la rom e poi i due pacchetti zip facoltativi.. ora vorrei chiedervi cosa cambiava se non li installavo?

      p.s: qnd vado nelle impostazioni mi chiede d scegliere tra due tipi uno come s5 e uno come s4 è normale?

      Inviato tramite l'app di TuttoAndroid
    20. pescixx79

      pescixx79 Worker Droid

      4 Ott 2014
      "Mi Piace":
      Che zip facoltativi scusa?
      Scegliere cosa... prova a spiegarti meglio... non capisco.