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Discussione in 'Android Generale - Guide' iniziata da forgin, 22 Feb 2012.

  1. forgin

    forgin Baby Droid

    22 Feb 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Hello all, sorry about posting on english, buy i am not good in Italian.

    I made a free app. its called Info Jobs RSS its a good way to see all offers, its translated in 3 languages, spanish, itialian and next update it will include portuguese, just like the infojobs webs.
    with it, you can check latest offers with simple clicks, you can also check your candidatures, your curriculums, presentation letters and some more things.

    Feel free to try, any constructive suggestions are welcome, just send me a private message (bad translations, something not working, anything you want to change from the app).

    Thank you all.

    (dear moderators: if this post is not eligible to post, plz just delete it and sorry in advance.)