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Bitcoin or concurrency details

Discussione in 'Mercatino' iniziata da Prioneirmed, 23 Ago 2019.

  1. Prioneirmed

    Prioneirmed Baby Droid

    28 Lug 2019
    "Mi Piace":
    If you are a crypto investor, you might like the current bear market is never going to end. But history shows that is unlikely to be the case. Cryptocurrency News has been declared more than 300 times over the course of its nine-year lifespan. To get a bit of perspective, it is a bit different from the other markets.

    We broke down cryptocurrencies into different bear-market periods. For our analysis, we define a bear market as a minimum of 20% drop in price lasting for at least 2 months in time. Through this definition, we discovered four major bear market periods over the course of Bitcoin's life, excluding the prolonged bear market of 2018 and onward.