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[ROM] Dark ROM (Pixel Features) - Android 7.1.x per Nexus 5 [hammerhead] Guida, Download, Novità

Discussione in 'Rom per LG Nexus 5' iniziata da Phil Stelar, 3 Nov 2016.

  1. Phil Stelar

    Phil Stelar Golden Droid

    13 Feb 2016
    "Mi Piace":
    Nè io nè TuttoAndroid ci assumiamo responsabilità in caso di problemi

    ROM basata su una CM14.1, pensata per essere veloce e stabile. Integra diverse features ad aspetti dei famosi Google Phone

    Bootloader sbloccato
    Recovery Custom (TWRP)

    Dark ROM + Dynamic GApps

    - TrueSight kernel v3.0 builtin (with a few of my own tweaks)
    - Pixel Launcher (with provided GAPPS)
    - Pixel navbar icons
    - Pixel sounds
    - Rounded icons
    - Option to choose between dialer and voice assistant in lockscreen
    - Option to hide next alarm from expanded status bar and lockscreen
    - Hide bluetooth icon when disconnected
    - Longpress power button while screen off to trigger flashlight
    - SuperSU builtin
    - ViPER4Android builtin

    - Scaricare ROM, GApps e copiarle nella memoria interna del device
    - Riavviare in recovery mode (TWRP)
    - Full Wipe (Data+Chache+System+Dalvyk)
    - Flash ROM
    - Flash GApps
    - Riavviare

    Fonte: XDA