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Dopo Fast for Facebook©, Team2Soft rilascia Fast Messenger for Facebook©.

Discussione in 'Applicazioni / Multimedia / Giochi' iniziata da Team2Soft, 6 Mar 2014.

  1. Team2Soft

    Team2Soft Baby Droid

    3 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":

    Hi guys!
    Fast Messenger & Widgets for Facebook© :
    • cool: clear and minimal design
    • handy: easy to configure and use
    • smart: fast, low band and memory usage.
    “Fast Messenger†is a new app merged with “Fast Widgetsâ€. Using the widget you can check in real time your friends’ status (online/offline) directly from the device’s main screen.
    One tap on an online friend and it will open the messenger with the selected friend. You can always open Fast Messenger from the launcher!

    Messenger features:
    - Online people
    - Inbox
    - Group messages
    - Notifications
    - Online People Widget

