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[KERNEL] ElementalX-S-5.0.1 | OC | UV | BLN | S2W | DT2W | ZRAM

Discussione in 'Modding - HTC One S' iniziata da uLtiMo125, 13 Lug 2013.

  1. uLtiMo125

    uLtiMo125 Golden Droid

    19 Dic 2010
    "Mi Piace":
    Kernel per Jelly Bean ROMs con Base Sense

    Kernel per Jelly Bean ROMs con Base Sense

    ULTIMA VERSIONE: ElementalX-5.0.1 (21 Agosto 2013)

    Questo Kernel ha tonnellate di opzioni. Per l'Overclock e Undervolting è necessario testare, provare, provare, al fine di trovare le impostazioni più stabili per il Vs dispositivo. Si prega di non lamentarsi di riavvii o crash se si è Overclock e/o Undervolting. Quando trovi le impostazioni che funzionano bene con l'hardware specifico, questo Kernel sarà molto stabile e con una lunga durata della batteria.

    In caso di problemi, o semplicemente non si vuole ritoccare all'infinito le impostazioni del Kernel, si può prendere in considerazione di provare il kernel Bulletproof

    Se Invece si desidera modificare le impostazioni del Kernel Senza Fine, e di conoscere intimamente l'Hardware del vS One S


    • [*=left]
      Per la versione S4 (NON S3)​

      Aroma installer​

      Scelta del livello di ottimizzazione della CPU: Vaniglia, Elementalx, o Ultra​

      Ottimizzato per la durata della batteria​

      Opzione Overclock/Underclocking​

      CPU frequenza minima di 192 MHz o 384MHz​

      Scelta della frequenza Massima dello Schermo​

      User voltage control​

      Scelta del profilo di tensione nel programma di installazione​

      Overclock della GPU​


      Doubletap2wake NUOVO!

      Pocket Detection NUOVO!

      Button light notification NUOVO!​

      /system scrivibile​

      Forza Fastcharge​

      zram opzionale con snappy compression​

      Supporto NTFS r/w​

      Governatori: Intellidemand (default), Badass, Lagfree, Lionheart​

      I/O scheduler: ROW (default), FIOPS, SIO​

      Opzione per Disabilitare fsync​

      Aumento della Frequenza di aggiornamento per l'uscita HDMI tramite adattatore MHL​

      Ottimizzazione-O3 Linaro 4.7.3




    1. Installare lo Zip da TWRP Recovery
    2. Segui le istruzioni, se non sai cosa fare utilizzare l'opzione prescelta (dafault)
    3. Riavviare!

    S-OFF raccomandato per una più facile installazione

    Per gli Hboots Recenti ed S-ON:
    Il programma di installazione include un metodo per flashare il boot.img in versioni Recenti di HBOOT, tuttavia, alcune persone possono ancora avere difficoltà. Notare che ci vuole molto tempo, avere pazienza. Se non funziona, estrarre boot.img dallo zip, riavviare in bootloader e, da terminale, digitare:

    fastboot flash boot boot.img

    Nota: Per ottenere tutti i Moduli Corretti e i File di Configurazione è ​​comunque Necessario eseguire il programma di installazione !


    Your choices in the Aroma installer are used to build a configuration file. The config file is located at /etc/elementalx.conf. You can edit this file to change kernel settings. Whatever is set in this file will take effect when the device is booted (unless other scripts or apps interfere!)

    The settings can be changed by editing /etc/elementalx.conf and rebooting. Advanced users can apply settings on the fly by running /etc/init.d/99elementalx as root.

    There is no need to edit /etc/init.d/99elementalx. All settings are configured in /etc/elementalx.conf.

    If settings are not sticking, make sure the file permissions for /etc/init.d/99elementalx are set to execute. Every time the settings are applied, a log file is created at /data/local/tmp/elementalx-kernel.log. Problems can be diagnosed by looking at the log file.

    Please check to see if any /etc/init.d scripts or apps are interfering with your settings If you're on ViperXL, make sure your settings in Venom Tweaks are the same as the ones in /etc/elementalx.conf (for example, sweep2wake settings)

    Kernel Tuner
    You don't need Kernel Tuner because the ElementalX installer sets everything up automatically, but if you want to check or change settings, Kernel Tuner is recommended. Just be aware that Kernel Tuner is set by default to apply settings on boot, which can interfere with the settings you chose in the ElementalX installer.

    Venom Tweaks force close
    If Venom Tweaks closes when you try to access the CPU tab, go to Settings->Apps->Venom Tweaks and push the Clear Data button. This should fix the problem.

    CPU Optimization
    Vanilla: stock voltages, stock l2 cache frequency, stock bus bandwidth
    ElementlaX: increases l2 cache frequency and bus bandwidth, allows you to choose voltage level in installer
    Ultra: increases l2 cache frequency and bus bandwidth even more. May cause instability, please test thoroughly for stability if you use this option.

    Overclocking (underclocking) is optional. Whatever frequency you chose in the installer will be set at boot for both CPUs. Frequencies can be changed any time using apps like No Frills or Kernel Tuner. WARNING: not all devices can handle overclocking. The stock maximum CPU frequency is 1.5GHz. In versions of the kernel prior to 4.2, the frequencies were labeled wrong so you won't be able to overclock as high with version 4.2+.

    CPU voltages
    CPU voltages can be changed with Venom Tweaks, Kernel Tuner or System Tuner. Be careful, lowering voltages could cause instability. If you have stability problems even at the highest voltages, try the vanilla version

    Minimum CPU frequency
    Sets the minimum CPU scaling frequency. 192MHz is the recommended default and should work fine on the vast majority of devices. The 384MHz option is available for devices that experience random reboots while the device is idle. It is recommended that you try increasing the minimum voltage by 25mV before changing the minimum CPU frequency.

    Max screen off frequency
    This sets the highest CPU frequency available while the screen is off. It is recommended to disable this for stability. Also, do not set this to 192MHz or 384MHz, as many devices experience random reboots at these frequencies. The default is 486MHz, which should be safe for most devices. If you experience random reboots while the device is asleep, set this to a higher frequency. This setting can be changed in /etc/elementalx.conf or using an app like Venom Tweaks.

    GPU frequencies
    GPU frequencies can now be set on the fly using Kernel Tuner. There is also an option in /etc/elementalx.conf. Available maximum frequencies:
    3D GPU: 480 (overclocked) or 400 (stock)
    2D GPU: 266 (overclocked) or 200 (stock)

    Intellidemand is the default CPU governor. There are other governors included, however, intellidemend is recommended for best balance of battery life and performance.

    Installing a new ROM
    If you install a new ROM, it will overwrite /etc/init.d/99elementalx and /etc/elementalx.conf. The kernel will run perfectly fine without these files, but you will lose your settings and certain features.

    Sweep2wake allows you to wake up your device by swiping your finger across the capacitive buttons from left to right. Swiping from right to left will put it back to sleep (sweep2sleep). There are now options for sweep2wake/sweep2sleep, sweep2sleep only, and disabled. If you use ViperXL, make sure to enable sweep2wake in Venom Tweaks. Note that in Venom Tweaks, the sweep2sleep only option can be selected by choosing Enable (no buttons backlight).

    DoubleTap2Wake (DT2W) allows you to wake the device by double tapping the capacitive buttons.


    1=enable doubletap2wake using back button
    2=enable doubletap2wake using home button
    3=enable doubletap2wake using recent apps button

    Pocket Detection
    Pocket detection protects against accidental wakes while S2W or DT2W are enabled and the phone is in your pocket. Pocket detection uses the proximity sensor. This is disabled by default. You can edit /etc/elementalx.conf to change the setting on boot.


    1=enable pocket detection

    Button Light Notification
    With Button Light Notification (BLN), the capacitive buttons will blink on and off when you have a new notification. You can edit /etc/elementalx.conf to change the setting on boot.


    0 = disabled
    1 = BLN enabled

    What is zRam
    zRam creates a compressed block device in RAM that is used as swap. Although it claims some of your RAM as swap, everything written to swap is compressed. This increases the apparent memory available to the system and helps with multitasking. Swap files on disk are very slow, but with zRam the swap is on RAM so it can be read as quickly as regular memory. Even though the data need to be decompressed, modern CPUs can decompress quicker than if it had to be to read from disk. The penalty is cpu usage, which could drain battery; however, this is likely negligable in daily use. I didn't enable this by default because not everyone will want it. This is for heavy multitaskers and will allow you to quickly switch between more apps and have more tabs open in your browser without refreshes.

    zRam is disabled by default. If you want to enable it, edit /etc/elementalx.conf
    change ZRAM=0 to ZRAM=1 and reboot.

    You can check if zRam is working by typing the command "free" into the terminal. You should see the total used and free swap. If these are all 0, then zRam is not enabled. Please ensure that other apps are not changing your minfrees, zRam works best with low minfrees and high swappiness.

    NTFS support
    This is for anyone who wants to use OTG to connect a USB stick or portable harddrive formatted with Microsoft's NTFS filesystem. You will need Stickmount or a similar app, HTC Sense+ won't detect NTFS.

    Enable/disable fsync
    Disabling fsync can increase filesystem performance. However, there is a small risk of data loss if the system suddenly crashes. If you can't afford to lose data, keep fsync enabled. Many custom kernel disable fsync, I leave it enabled by default for safety reasons.

    XBox controller support
    There is an experimental module that supports XBox gamepads, however, some people have reported that it draws too much power and doesn't work. I've suggested trying a powered USB hub, but still not sure if it works


    ElementalX 5.0.1
    -fix init.d support

    ElementalX 5.0
    -remove OTG whitelist to enable more devices
    -build with Linaro 4.8
    -add TCP congestion control algorithms
    -default governor is ondemand
    -default scheduler is fiops
    -update installer (nust be s-off !)
    -add pocket detection (disabled by default)
    -fix doubletap2wake in deep sleep
    -fix sweep2sleep only
    -remove 192MHz frequency step
    -max screen off default is 702MHz

    ElementalX 4.3
    -add doubletap2wake
    -add button light notification
    -fix fm radio
    -remove autogroup: group by current UID
    -arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines

    ElementalX 4.2
    -correct oc frequencies
    -adjust l2 cache frequencies
    -gpu overclock frequencies now 480 3D and 266 2D
    -fix max screen off limit
    -various patches from Linaro and CAF
    -WiFi module fix (thanks thicklizard)
    -avoid loadavg moire
    -enable automatic process group scheduling
    -max screen off frequency can be disabled

    ElementalX 3.4
    -optimized build compiled with -O3
    -linaro 4.6.3 -> linaro 4.7.3
    -force ac for unknown chargers

    ElementalX 3.3
    -add /dev/frandom
    -add force fastcharge
    -change makefile optimizations
    -tweak init script

    ElementalX 3.2
    -fix gpu oc
    -add row i/o scheduler
    -add governors
    -use glibc memcpy
    -disable gentle fair sleepers
    -add zram
    -disable qcache
    -use zcache and zsmalloc

    ElementalX 3.1
    -gpu oc
    -option to disable fsync

    ElementalX 3.0
    -HTC Jelly Bean source
    -vanilla, elementalx and ultra CPU optimization options
    -overclock to 2.1GHz
    -minimum frequency 192MHz
    -full voltage control
    -intellidemand default governor
    -fiops default scheduler
    -add sweep2wake
    -add zRam with snappy compression
    -init.d support
    -ntfs r/w support
    -ARM topology
    -fix HDMI refresh rate
    -disable gentle fair sleepers
    -xz kernel compression
    -add fix for crash with wp_mod.ko
    -fix installer conflicts
    -switch do_fsync() to fget_light()
    -CPU1 governor can be set independently
    -set max screen off frequency
    -choose 192 or 384 minimum CPU frequency
    -update cpupower according to cpu load
    -adjust readahead to 2048

    -added 384 MHz frequency step when selecting 192MHz as min frequency (needed because CPU1 will not stay at 192MHz)
    -adjustments to init script
    -option to install extra governors (lionheart, lagfree, interactivex2, and badass)

    -choose minimum CPU frequency (192MHz or 384MHz)
    -option to leave minimum voltage at default
    -optimized CPU control module, now reads PVS efuse and sets appropriate voltage levels
    -streamlined options and config file
    -optional XBox controller support

    -Option to completely disable overclocking/undervolting
    -If overclocking, choose between optimization for stability or performance
    -stability option does not increase L2 cache frequency and bus bandwidth

    -added intellidemand governor (default)
    -added fiops i/o scheduler (default)
    -optional zram with snappy compression
    -optional ntfs r/w support
    -select minimum voltage (800, 825, 850, 875, or 900mV)
    -added 1134 and 1242 MHz underclocking options
    -increased bus bandwidth
    -many changes to installer and configuration files

    -minor tweaks to init.d script

    -added voltage options
    -boost L2 cache frequency for extra performance
    -fix 3D GPU setting
    -increase readahead buffer to 4096

    Thanks to flar2
    Ultima modifica: 22 Ago 2013
    A kalel77 e yann73 piace questo messaggio.
  2. uLtiMo125

    uLtiMo125 Golden Droid

    19 Dic 2010
    "Mi Piace":
  3. kalel77

    kalel77 Power Droid

    10 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Aggiornato ElementalX 5.0
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.