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Entangled Game

Discussione in 'Applicazioni / Multimedia / Giochi' iniziata da Jan Rychtar, 14 Lug 2013.

  1. Jan Rychtar

    Jan Rychtar Baby Droid

    11 Apr 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Addictive, challenging and fun brain puzzle.


    You are given a geometrical form that consists of vertices connected by threads and your goal is to move around the vertices (tap and drag) in such a manner that you will obtain another geometric form where none of the threads overlap.

    Helpful visual guidance
    When threads overlap they have a white color. As you move them around, the threads that don’t overlap will be colored in blue.

    Easy to play, difficult to solve.

    Test your spatial visualization abilities and train your brain skills.

    The game includes 60 levels for free.

    Suggestions are welcome.