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[KERNEL] Franco Kernel per Nexus6

Discussione in 'Modding - Motorola Nexus 6' iniziata da elia_11, 11 Mar 2015.

  1. elia_11

    elia_11 Silver Droid

    19 Dic 2012
    "Mi Piace":


    DESCRIZIONE : Franco Kernel è un custom kernel creato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Francisco Franco . Conosciuto e apprezzato da tutti è uno dei migliori kernel in circolazione nel mondo Android .

    r26-> (09/04/15)
    Merged an upstream patch for the cpu scheduler which makes it idle faster if it only has at the most 1 task running on it. This should provide improved battery during usage
    Reverted a patch that could prevent the modem to restart its connection after losing signal
    Merged a couple patches from CodeAurora to improve the display drivers layer
    Merged other patches from upstream with fixes

    r25-> (04/04/15)
    Fix support for CM's Sunlight Enhancement Color feature
    Reverted a patch that could, in some rare cases, cause a Kernel panic
    Merged a couple patches from Imoseyon to fix some memory leaks on the Kernel
    Made some changes on the I/O subsystem to reduce system overhead during I/O requests and improve throughput
    Hacked a recent patch to allow color adjustments to be accepted if the display is off
    Merged a couple patches from upstream and CodeAurora, one is of special mention which prevents a bogus wake up from suspend from a particular subsystem

    r23-> (01/04/15)
    Add ability to disable specific wi-fi wakelocks under /sys/module/wakeup/parameters/ - don't mess with them if you don't know what you're doing
    Bump max cpu freq for the Power-saving profile from 1GHz to 1.267GHz and use Performance governor on the GPU on the Performance profile
    Decreased load_average by making yet another set of Kernel threads to be interruptible
    Merged a gazillion patches from upstream and codeaurora with fixes and enhancements

    Versione -> r21 (19/03/15)
    Improved behavior of my Hotplug driver by increasing the time between work runs to decrease load average
    Add headphone and misc gain boost interface. Available from FKUpdater or sysfs path: /sys/class/misc/soundcontrol/
    Add support for custom roms - systemui shouldn't crash anymore
    Merged a patch from Motorola to decrease suspend latency
    Merged a patch from Motorola to decrease latency when low memory killer scans through all processes to decide which one to kill
    Merged a patch from Qualcomm to allow the internal storage daemon to schedule requests to idle CPUs to greatly improve I/O performance
    Further tune Conservative's behavior by allowing it to scale in 10% intervals instead of the old 5% (so it will reach upper and lower frequencies one or two samples faster) and to start ramping down when the load is below 40% instead of 30% (this improves battery life)
    Turned off a couple debugging flags on some drivers to decrease system load on certain periodic requests
    Fixed a bug that was wrongly calculating CPU off time and it was considering it idle time, thus system load was being reported higher than it should
    My cat can run up and down the walls like Neo on The Matrix

    Versione -> r20 (13/03/15)
    Merged all the new patches from Lollipop 5.1
    All CPU cores are online by default following Google which did the same on 5.1

    Versione -> r19 (03/03/15)
    Reduced power consumption during screen off scenario
    Merged a patch from CodeAurora to reduce power consumption from the i2c bus by reducing its clocks from 50Mhz to 19.2MHz
    Improved performance on quick burst scenarios by onlining all cores automagically if there are more than 10 runnable threads running on the system
    Decreased load average by using an interruptible thread on a specific subsystem driver

    Requisiti :

    Procedura d'installazione :

    • Scaricate il Kernel dal seguente link :

    • Copiatelo nella memoria del telefono

      [*] Eseguite un Backup completo della ROM

      [*] Se usate un altro Custom Kernel flashate la ROM attualmente in uso senza fare il Wipe Data

      [*] Installate il nuovo Kernel

      [*] Riavviate il dispostivo -> FINE

    App ufficiale di supporto :

    FONTE :
    Ultima modifica: 13 Apr 2015
    A Cristian e MarcusOptimus piace questo messaggio.
  2. elia_11

    elia_11 Silver Droid

    19 Dic 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Aggiornato alla versione r21
  3. elia_11

    elia_11 Silver Droid

    19 Dic 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Aggiornato alla versione R26