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[GUIDA] Root metodo Manuale

Discussione in 'Modding - Samsung Galaxy W (i8150)' iniziata da Morissio, 1 Ago 2012.

  1. Morissio

    Morissio Guest

    Note: It has been reported that this method no longer work for firmwares later than LA2.

    Abilitare l'USB debug (Settings -> Applications -> Development)
    Abilitare le sorgenti sconosciute (Settings -> Applications)

    • Connect the device to your PC(USB) and wait until all the drivers have been successfully installed .
    • Download and install the Android SDK.
    • Download this Zip-File and extract all the files into the folder platform-tools, which should be located by default at C:\program files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools.
    • Run CMD(prompt) (as Administrator) (and change the direction on: C:\program files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools.
    • To do so you will have to enter following command in the prompt:
      chdir C:\program files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
    • Now enter following code in the prompt:
      adb push zergRush_samsung_w /data/local/
      adb shell
    • You should be now in the ADB Shell, now enter following code:
      chmod 755 /data/local/zergRush_samsung_w/data/local/zergRush_samsung_w
    • Now you will have to wait 3-4 minutes. If this step was successful the following last two lines will appear:
      [+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
      [+] Killing ADB and restarting as root..enjoy!
    • Now you should be out of the ADB-shell(no $-sign) Now you will have to enter the following code in the prompt:
      adb remount
      adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
      adb push su /system/bin/
      adb shell
    • In the ADB-shell you will have to enter:
      chmod 644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
      chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
    • You may have to update Superuser via the Android market ->Menu-Button->My Apps Superuser -> update.

    Fonte/Credit: xda
    Ultima modifica di un moderatore: 1 Ago 2012