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[ROM] InsertCoin | Sense

Discussione in 'Rom per HTC One M7' iniziata da nightcervant, 26 Ott 2014.

  1. nightcervant

    nightcervant Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2014
    "Mi Piace":

    1. Bootloader Sbloccato e S-OFF
    2. TWRP o superiore
    3. FW 6.09.401.5

    ROM Base features:
    latest HTC One M7 WWE Base 6.09.401.5
    more languages enabled (FULL WWE)
    root, busybox and init.d support
    persistent ADB enabled
    ramdisk improvements
    battery life, performance and memory improvements
    sysro / sysrw binaries
    openvpn / sqlite support
    disabled logging & removed bloatware
    stripped debugging info for improved performance
    optimized with latest sdk for improved performance
    trimmed partitions for improved performance
    zipaligned apps for improved performance
    flar2's Write Protection MOD to allow S-ON users fully writeable /system partition
    advanced power menu
    disabled Persistent Navigation Bar (m8 has it since it has no softbuttons)
    5x6 Grid size option in Sense App Drawer
    Sense Launcher Menu Support
    Extended Native EQS (15 tiles) props  [USER=14350]Jonny[/USER] for inital Sense 5 mod
    Ability to map LongPress Home SoftButton for MENU in Settings - Display
    Smoothest ROM
    Best Battery Management
    Fast fixes / updates
    InsertCoin Kontrol
    InsertCoin Market
    InsertCoin Themes
    InsertCoin Zip Flasher
    InsertCoin Market Web - The first and only one web interface for custom Hub/Market
    InsertCoin Battery icon packs
    InsertCoin Launcher icon pack support
    InsertCoin PerApp Color
    InsertCoin Extreme Powersaving app remap
    InsertCoin Lockscreen action remap
    InsertCoin OTA Updates
    AROMA Options:
    optional show LTE icon instead of 4G
    optional Disable Persistent NFC Icon
    optional Lower Proximity Sensor Sensibility
    optional Louder Speaker Mod
    optional Stock Boot Animation
    optional Exchange Email Hack (disable EAS Pin Requirement)
    optional Disable HTC Color Enhancement
    optional Show LTE instead of 4G
    optional Disable Fast Dormancy


    MIRROR 1

    * MD5sum: 6749ed33a2ae9033c72252afcea8fade

    v 4.0.4
    - added AROMA option to remove Chrome Bookmarks Sync
    - fixed HTC Mail Syncing Issues
    - fixed motion down voice dialling
    - fixed screen unlock in right direction
    - fixed HTC Notes FC
    - enabled 15 quicksettings tiles instead of 12
    - added 6 level bars for CDMA in IC Kontrol
    - added option for led blinking while charging
    - optimized apks
    - updated Play Store Apps
    - update HTC Scribble, HTC TV, HTC Gallery
    - updated US Carriers Support
    Ultima modifica: 30 Ott 2014
    A uLtiMo125 e kalel77 piace questo messaggio.