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[ROM] [KOT49H][KK4.4.2] ★★★ DroidKang v12 ★★★ [HALO][14/12][CM11]

Discussione in 'Rom per LG Nexus 5' iniziata da Raffaele, 17 Dic 2013.

  1. Raffaele

    Raffaele Silver Droid

    20 Apr 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Welcome To DroidKang



    base is CyanogenMod 11
    Dark UI
    3-Way Reboot Menu
    Statusbar mods
    Notification drawer mods
    Notification LED mods
    Screen mods
    Animation mods
    Battery Icon mods
    System Animation tweaks
    Navigation Bar mods
    HALO from Paranoid Android
    Active Display Notifications from MotoX
    Listview Mods
    Expanded Desktop (immersive mode)
    Use ART Runtime without issues
    and much more ...

    -Nexus 5;
    -Custom recovery (CWM o TWRP è indifferente)


    -Scarica ROM e Gapps e copiale nel Nexus;
    -Riavvia in recovery;
    -FULL WIPE (data, cache, dalvik cache);
    -Flash ROM;
    -Flash GAPPS:

    DroidKang v12
    fixed: Youtube issues
    QS: do not show ringer options on devices which do not support vibrate
    QS: make dynamic tiles configurable
    settings: fix and pimp custom lockscreen handle
    Settings: remove preference if device hasn't LockClock installed
    Settings: Fix pimp up ActiveDisplay
    Address the 'ART' Issue
    Wi-Fi AP priorities: Add RTL support
    Development settings: Move hostname under ADB over network
    overlay: Fix Keyguard configuration
    Merge "selinuxrelabel: Add a check for dalvik-cache" into DroidKang
    cm: only include WhisperPush in telephony-enabled devices
    Add new alarm/notification audios
    Frameworks: Slim Shortcuts
    fb: fix and pimp custom lockscreen handle
    QS: make dynamic tiles configurable
    QS: enable haptic feedback and change Alarm tile longpress
    Profile: disable triggers when profiles are disabled
    BatteryService: fix FC on boot until battery stat is present
    Active display: Ability to turn off the screen, when a not clearable notification is present
    Bluetooth: Changes for LPP and extended LE scan
    OBEX: Reduce Obex MTU size for A2DP or SCO concurrency
    Bluetooth: HID: Add support for HID Device Role
    base: allow disabling call end sound
    Telephony: Add data rat constant
    National roaming info for Drei in Austria
    WindowManagerService: fix application transitions in expanded mode
    Fix profile lockscreen override
    fb: fix pixelated results on picture resizing/coloring on features which use it
    Browser: disable incognito mode
    Added new PA Gapps link
    Synced CM11 sources

    DroidKang v11
    Android 4.4.2_r1 Build KOT49H
    Remove 'force overflow button' logic & settings
    fb: allow to disable quicksettings - SlimROM
    Add new alarm/notification audios
    fb: added national roaming info for Free Mobile in France
    fb: added national roaming for BOB in Austria
    fb: added national roaming info for Play in Poland
    Add "Lockscreen Colors and Lock Image" - SlimROM
    Add "Config for menu unlock" in Security Settings
    Add "QS Tweaks" - SlimROM
    Development shortcut in StatusBar and Recent Panel
    Add support for allow-permission extension
    wifi: Allow configuration of country code for wifi
    healthd: disable periodic polled battery status
    Fix for screenshot animation glitch in portrait
    Add option to hide power menu when screen is locked - Omni
    DocumentsUI: Add a standalone File Manager - Omni
    Add back all keyboard IME features - SlimRom
    SystemUI: fix wrong statusbar background
    fb: navigationbar use always slimactions and add contentdescription - SlimRom
    fb: slightly adjust navigationring background drawable size for custom icons to fit the system icons - SlimRom
    fb: Put FileUtils back into android_runtime
    Add WhisperPush category to security settings - cm
    FIXED - SMS FC on short codes
    FIXED - RamBAR
    change default for unknown sources & verify apps
    Improve AOSP Download/Upload animation
    Add option to enable activity indicators on status bar - Omni
    Fix Duplicate Alarm : Replace Cesium with Classic
    fb: Make ImageView drawable update more efficient in some cases
    fb: Avoid layout passes when updating data activity indicators
    fb: Fix a bootloop problem when /data/system/usagestats/usage-history.xml is empty
    fb: Parse UUID string with Long.parseLong - Omni
    Synced with latest CM11 sources
    Updated Gapps package KK 4.4.2 link
    and much more i forget...

    DroidKang v10
    Settings: Add cLock settings back to lockscreen settings
    FIXED - Battery around lockring
    Fix switching running/cached apps with memory bar
    Add time-context headers to the notification header - Omni
    Fix Quick Settings tiles jerking down while animating to notifications view
    Fix exception on rotation
    fix reference leak in activiy manager
    fb: changed all open forgoten UI from google into new kk4.4 UI
    frameworks/av - FLAC coded file does not play (single metadata block files)
    fb: vectorize Bitmap operations
    Rambar moved to top screen
    fb: MiniThumbFile: Fix image/bitmap retrieval
    Fix Duplicate Alarm : Replace Cesium with Classic
    fb: Make ImageView drawable update more efficient in some cases
    fb: Avoid layout passes when updating data activity indicators
    fb: fix qs battery tile on normal icon due of left over
    Quick Settings Pulldown (from cm)
    Add "Quicksettings customizations Slim style - SlimROM
    Revert "CM : Quick settings/Ribbons
    FIXED - Screeching sound while playing music when locksceen sound / notifications produced
    FIXED - ListView FC reported by some users
    Notification background & transparency - SlimROM
    fb: support for keyguard widget carusell
    fb: post time-critical systemui flags to window manager
    fb: add back small bottom margin 1px - SlimROM
    Add "Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
    Better Expanded desktop icons - PA
    SystemUI: do not collapse panels if keyevent was canceled
    Keyguard: fix statusbar lags when default widget shown
    Quiet Hours: Clean up and consolidate code
    Synced CM11 Sources
    and much more i cant remember...

    DroidKang v9
    HALO fixed SystemUI FC
    Add option to enable/disable HALO
    Add "Active Display" Notifications like MotoX thx ChameleonOS
    Fixed HALO/Active Display so we can have both Active Display & HALO present
    Add options for ListView Animations and Interpolator thx Team ThinkingBridge
    Restore "Add battery level around unlock ring"
    Bring back all lockscreen Widget Settings
    Implement a pin keypad shuffler
    LockBeforeUnlock the new way
    Enable haptic feedback for lockscreen shortcuts
    Add support for variable size pattern lockscreen
    ART Runtime - "Add verifier: Bypass monitor-{enter,exit} depth checks" Whatsapp is working with ART
    Synced with latest CM11 sources

    DroidKang v8
    Added Paranoid Android HALO still WIP some FC
    Forward port power connect/disconnect notification support
    Performance profiles
    Add an option to change the device hostname
    AppOps: Add advanced menu link from privacyguard
    Remove the "enable widgets" preference properly
    dslv: use the right owner and missing break
    Add a general preferency in lockscreen interface settings
    LockscreenShortcutFragment needs onPreferenceTreeClick
    Settings: Port Lockscreen Targets and Shortcuts
    Packages/apps/Settings: enable quickunlock
    Fix battery icon with percentage showing "!" and percentage only color when under 14%
    fb: add accessibility events to lockscreen slider and shortcuts
    SystemUI: Update adb over network icons to kitkat colors
    SystemUI: Navigation Bar: Rotate the search light in landscape
    Keyguard: disable music transport control debug
    Forward port power connect/disconnect notification support
    Turn off carrier provisioning by default
    Frameworks: QS performance profiles tile
    fb: set correct providers default value am/pm
    Added new PA Gapps Link
    Synced CM11 sources
    and more i forget...

    DroidKang v7
    System wide immersive mode aka expanded desktop added thx Slimroms
    - To enable expanded desktop ---> Navigation -> Global Menu
    fb: Fix FindBugs issues
    SystemUI: fix RecentPanel position in landscape mode
    fb: fix recents animation on new immersive mode
    Fix to NullPointerException when activity is relaunched
    Keyguard: Set WIDGET_CATEGORY_KEYGUARD when AppWidgetHostView is created
    fb: Remove possible leak when exception occurred
    Wifi: Fix for connection failure between third client and GC
    SystemUI: Add missing recycle calls
    Correctly set the animation flag of the ActionBar
    Update the layer's alpha value upon composition of the layer
    Memory leak in IInputMethodSessionWrapper executeMessage
    Fix NPE in ConnectivityService
    Fix a JNI local reference leak in JNIMediaPlayerListener
    SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars
    Keyguard: smooth background change
    Fix a programmatic smooth scroll bug
    Clear recents screen
    Synced with CM11 sources

    DroidKang v6
    Settings : Port lockscreen shortcut configuration
    Settings: add summary to hide carrier label
    Settings: add RAM bar option
    Correct navbar landscape default value for reset
    Settings: new dslv + Dialog handling
    Settings: Slims new Custom Power Menu
    Update TRDS with google UI changes for 4.4
    QuickSettings: Ported from cm-10.2
    Speed up orientation rotation
    Move set of persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib to SystemServer only
    Set persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib at system server startup
    Color system icons on navring like the other by default
    Add battery level around unlock ring
    Update missing google UI changes for 4.4
    MediaScanner behavior on boot
    Fix: external storage problem NavRing and NavBar applications
    Frameworks: speed up statubar/notification drawer
    Improve scrolling cache
    Fix: video playback
    Fix rounding issues and take density into account
    Change alert dialog to new 4.4 UI guidelines
    Synced with CM11 sources
    Updated PA Gapps Package Link

    DroidKang v5
    Settings: MediaScanner behavior on boot
    Settings : Quick settings / Ribbons more fitting drawables
    Merge "Settings: Set some strings to translatable="false"" into cm-11.0
    Merge "Add direct launcher prefs access to home settings fragment."
    Settings: restore hardware tunable values on boot
    Quick Settings: Swipe to switch
    QuickSettings: Update all QS drawables to match KitKat style
    Fix: external storage problem NavRing and NavBar applications thx kufikugel
    Frameworks: speed up statubar/notification drawer thx IceColdJelly
    Improve scrolling cache
    synced with latest CM11 sources
    PA Gapps updated link

    DroidKang v4
    Settings: Add lockscreen ring battery setting
    Setting: Lockscreen maximized widgets
    Settings: Bring back Maximize widgets
    Settings: Bring back Volume dialog features
    Settings: Bring back the new Quiet Hours UI
    Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock
    Settings: fetch navbar color from systemUI
    Settings: statusbar reflect am/pm based on the global user settings 12h/24h format
    synced with CyanogenMod sources

    DroidKang v3
    synced with CM11 sources @ 10:30 CET
    added QS & QS Ribbons - its still wip
    navbar and navring customizations
    Lockscreen maximized widgets
    QuickSettings: Invert long click and click actions - Omni (xplodwild)
    Quicksettings: swap the behaviour of the wifi tile.
    - onClick on/off
    - onLongClick open wifi settings
    added "Clear all recents" - Bottom left corner
    -clicking on the Time will open the alarm
    -clicking on the Date will open the calendar

    DroidKang v2
    synced with CM11 sources @ 08:00 CET
    added custom battery icon mods
    added custom system animations
    new PA Gapps link added

    DroidKang v1
    initial release...

    Thanks to:
    David van Tonder



    Ultima modifica: 18 Dic 2013
  2. yanner

    yanner Worker Droid

    26 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Aggiornamento alla v13. È davvero un'ottima rom.

    Inviato dal mio Nexus 5
  3. Luca Fontana

    Luca Fontana Baby Droid

    15 Giu 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    scuate, premetto di essere entrato da poco nel mondo delle costun rom e seguo molto il tuo forum :) volevo chiederti, io ho un galaxy s3 con CyanogenMod 11, la rom droidkang è disponibile anche per il mio dispositivo? ;)
  4. Roki97

    Roki97 Worker Droid

    31 Ott 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Vai a vedere nella tua sezione !:)

    Inviato dal mio Nexus 5 utilizzando Tapatalk