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[ROM] [Lollipop 5.1.1] ★ The Pure Nexus Project ★ Layers ★

Discussione in 'Rom per Motorola Nexus 6' iniziata da Cristian, 9 Lug 2015.

  1. Cristian

    Cristian Power Droid

    25 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":


    The Pure Nexus Project

    Il Progetto Pure Nexus è Stato Pensato per Avere una Buona Stabilità e Nuove Caratteristiche per il Vostro Nexus, pur Mantenendo la ROM il piu' Possibile in Linea con la Stock Google. Se siete alla Ricerca di una Rom Stabile con Vere Caratteristiche Testate e con Bug Minimi, Questa Rom fa' per Voi.

    -Link Vari:
    -Google Doc's Changelog

    *Based on AOSP Android 5.1.1_r12(includes all the fixes from r13)
    *Lollipop sounds from factory image not the horrible AOSP ones
    *Native Sprint PRL/Profile update!!
    *Disabled forced encryption
    *Bug fix's and stability improvements
    *FULL Layers 2.1+ compatibility
    *Init.d support
    *Addon.d support
    *Ui Improvements
    *Adb over WiFi
    *Host name customization
    *Phone number lookup
    *incall vibration features
    *Enable all files over Bluetooth
    *USB otg support
    *Fully working CAF AppOps
    *Developer settings enabled by default
    *Seek-bar animation speed and font size control
    *Completely killed bug report options
    *Custom LCD density control
    *Link/UnLink notification/ringer volume
    *Allow alarm in None mode "aka silent mode"
    *Enable/disable LEDs in None mode "aka silent mode"
    *allow volume keys to trigger no interruption mode (same way silent used to be)
    *Expandable volume control
    *Increased Media volume control from 15 steps to 30
    *Added Special keys to all keyboard keys
    *Added Spell checking for additional languages
    *Enhanced screen pinning
    *Launcher3 options (grid size, default homescreen, Enable/disable searchbar)
    *Lock screen notification control on per-app basis
    *Advanced rotation settings

    Custom Settings
    Lock Screen
    *Customizable shortcuts
    *Double tap anywhere to sleep
    *Quick unlock
    *Scramble pin layout
    *Lockscreeen Wallpaper (add/crop/delete)
    Notification Drawer
    *Quick Pulldown
    *Smart Pulldown
    *Force Expanded Notifications
    *Custom Quick Setting Tiles (WiFi, Bluetooth, lte, data, sync, airplane, rotation, flashlight, location, NFC, notification, timeout, adb, cast, color inversion, compass, hotspot, batterysaver, headsup, power button, brightness, expanded desktop)
    *Quick settings options (enlarge first row, show four tiles per row, brightness slider toggle, advanced location settings, disable on secure lockscreen)
    Recent Apps
    *Recent longpress last app toggle
    *only show running apps toggle
    *AOSP Recents (search bar on/off, clear all button, clear all location, clear all minus foreground)
    *Slim Recents (enable/disable, show topmost task, show on left, expanded mode, max apps, panel size, panel color, card color, text color)
    *Battery customization (stock, landscape, circle, dotted circle, text, none)
    *Battery percent options (hidden, inside the icon, next to the icon)
    *Battery icon color option
    *Battery Bar options (location, color, style, thickness, animation)
    *Carrier label customization (location, text, color)
    *Battery notification options (disable low battery notification, disable battery saver notification)
    *Clock customization (on/off, color, alignment, am/pm, date, date style, date position, date format)
    *Network Indicator Customization (on/off, color, display unit, update interval, auto hide, auto hide threshold
    *Statusbar icon options (enable/disable alarm/blue-tooth icon, color wifi/vpn icon, color signal/data icon, color airplane mode icon, color system icons)
    *Status-bar options (double-tap to sleep, brightness control, notification count)
    Navigation Bar
    *Left handed mode
    *Arrow keys
    *IME toggle
    *Long-press back to kill
    *Double-tap to sleep
    *Enable/disable navigation rings
    *Navkey color option
    *Navigation bar size customization (width, height, length
    *Custimize navbar buttons/layout
    *Customize navbar circles
    *Option to disable on secure lock
    *Add/remove (reboot, screenshot, screen-record, airplane mode, user switcher,settings shortcut, lock now, sound panel)
    Volume Rocker
    *Volume adjustment sound toggle
    *Volume keys control media volume
    *Volume key wake
    *Volume key music control
    *Volume button swap
    *Volunne key keyboard cursor control
    App Ops
    *Custom permission control
    Display Settings
    *LCD Density
    *Expanded Desktop
    *Wake on plug
    *Notification LEDs
    *Battery LEDs
    *Heads up customizations (on/off, blacklist, do not disturb, custom timeout, swipe left to dismiss, swipe right to hide)
    *Notification ticker text
    *Less frequent notification sounds
    *Camera shutter sound
    *Prevent audio ducking
    *Screen recorder options
    cLock Settings
    *Customize the cLock widget

    -Requisiti: Bootloader Sbloccato/Custom Recovery TWRP aggiornata/Nexus Aggiornato ad Android L 5.1

    -Installazione Rom:
    1) Scaricare -> Rom/Gapps
    2) Copiare i File Nel Nexus
    3) Avviare il Nexus in Custom Recovery
    4) Fare Un Full Wipe -> Dalvik Cache/System/Data/Cache
    5) Flash Rom
    6) Flash Gapps
    7) Reboot, Fine.

    -PureNexus_Gapps (Altamente Consigliate)

    -Layers Team

    -Fonte: Xda Forum

    -Info Rom:
    -ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
    -ROM Status: Stable
    Ultima modifica: 17 Set 2015
  2. Cristian

    Cristian Power Droid

    25 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":
  3. Cristian

    Cristian Power Droid

    25 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    uscita nuova versione :cool:

    Changelog 28/08:
    Change: trim the recents card view to be more rounded
    Change: updated colorpicker to be more user friendly
    Change: updated webview for arm, arm64, x86
    Change: switched from omni’s silent mode to cm’s silent
    Change: added missing national roaming codes for all international countrys
    Change: added sms short code support for indonesia
    Fix: revert: limit selinux denials to 5 a second
    Fix: reverted some caf based patches that were messing up streaming/bluetooth
    Fix: lockscreen wallpaper no longer has navbar sized black line on the bottom
    Fix: issue with flashing notification icons when center clock is on and multiple notifications arrive
    Fix: force close, long press on expanded desktop tile now brings you to expanded desktop settings
    Fix: removed the back ime animation as it caused some issues with some navbar layer
    Fix: fixed small navbar back button in landscape the right way
    Fix: fix disconnect action when tapping x on bluetooth quick settings tile
    Fix: fix issue where battery low notification keeps coming back
    Layers: separated pure nexus settings icon from bluetooth config icon for better layers support
    Layers: Add the ability to color dashboard title independently
    Layers: migrate almost all settings icons to vector drawables for easier theming
    Layers: fixed an issue where the back button sometimes wasnt being themed
    Feature: add option to position date to right or left of clock
    Feature: add option for dotted battery circle
    Feature: add option for custom carrier label and color
    Feature: add option to display carrier label on lockscreen only, statusbar only, both, or none
    Feature: add option to color wifi/vpn icon, data/signal icon, and airplane mode icon
    Feature: added batterybar and options size, color, animation, location, style
    Feature: added option to color the navbar icons
    Feature: added option to enable/disable battery saver notification and low power notification
    Feature: added option to color the battery icons
    Feature: added option to color the system icons (bt,sound,cast,etc)
    Removed: battery saver enhancements as it was just buggy
  4. Cristian

    Cristian Power Droid

    25 Feb 2013
    "Mi Piace":

    Changelog 16/09/15 Release
    Change: Merged in AOSP 5.1.1_r14,r15,r16,r17,r18 source
    Change: updated blobs for nexus 5,6,7,9 and prebuilt kernels for nexus 6,7
    Change: updated kernel source for nexus 5,9
    Change: updated google's webview and added x86/x64 support
    Change: updated/synced lock clock source via cm
    Change: miscellaneous cleanup for flo/hammerhead
    Change: navring update search assistant drawable when changed (cortana/google/etc)
    Change: add timeout to screenshot task in navrings so navrings aren’t visible in screenshot
    Change: changed lcd density control to cm’s window manager version
    Change: show infinity symbol for notifications over 999
    Change: resolver activity - reduce elevation to make it flat
    Change: show icon of package associated with toast in top left corner
    Change: disable pin entry after successful quick unlock
    Feature: add option to disable media cover art on the lockscreen
    Feature: add option to change background color/transparency of lockclock widget
    Feature: added option to longpress lockscreen lock icon for torch
    Fix: remove duplicate imei information from sim status
    Fix: change refresh icon under process stats to lollipop style
    Fix: hammerhead showing wrong lte/4g icons for various carriers
    Fix: issue where the scrollbar in contacts will scroll back when scrolling through list
    Fix: issue where download notification sticks when deleted
    Fix: pull in fixes for power sound menu from cm
    Fix: scramble pin logic
    Fix: don't disable visibility when scrambling lockscreen pin
    Fix: fixed android auto issues
    Fix: fixed menu overlapping search button when ime selector is on
    Fix: navigation ring position when navbar is set to left handed mode
    Fix: battery blinking when reported level is 0
    Fix: issue where navbar buttons wouldn't resize themselves