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[ROM][4.1.2][LS8] AllianceROM[6.0][26/01/13]

Discussione in 'ROM per GS2' iniziata da Raff, 27 Gen 2013.

  1. Raff

    Raff Guest


    Thread su XDA​

    Vi presento questa ROM ultra-personalizzabile per il vostro Samsung SII.

    Completamente stock based e con numerose possibilità di personalizzazioni......sta a voi scegliere la configurazione migliore ;)

    FEATURES: (aprite lo spoiler)
    Latest Official JB LS8

    Deodexed, rooted, zipaligned

    Ficetos TWRP kernel (you can change to what you like after install)

    Stock Themed

    Alliance ROM Customizer with root browser from ficeto


    Alliance Control

    6 Lockscreens - Ripple, Circle, Jellybean, Blackberry 10, Acer, LG Optimus

    20 optional and orderable dropdown toggles including multiwindow, smart stay etc

    4 Lockscreen Shortcuts on Ripple

    5 battery options

    Information Ticker on Ripple

    Ripple Toggle

    Choose ANY INK COLOR!!!!

    Choose ANY color Toggles

    Choose ANY color Toggle Text

    Toggle Text On/Off

    Toggle Indicator On/Off

    Choose ANY color statusbar (Thanks Legendk95 for help)

    Choose ANY transparency level for statusbar

    Choose ANY color for dropdown background

    Choose ANY transparency for dropdown background

    Choose ANY color statusbar clock

    Choose ANY color dropdown clock

    Choose ANY color date

    Choose Centre/Right/No clock (Thanks AOKP)

    Add small/large AM/PM to statusbar clock (Thanks AOKP)

    Add small/large day of week to statusbar clock (Thanks AOKP)

    Brightness slider On/Off

    5 icon JB lockscreen (added phone and mms) (Thanks atl4ntis)

    Toggle for CRT

    Toggle for Browser Edge Zoom

    SMS to MMS Auto convert - 250
    Recipient limit - 400

    Hide options for:

    Statusbar alarm
    Statusbar Bluetooth
    Statusbar Sound

    Toggle options for:

    Low Battery Popup
    Full Charge Notification
    USB Connect Sound
    Lock Screen Torch
    Long Press Skip Track

    Popup Browser

    Long Press back to kill

    Disabled Scrolling Cache


    Unplug wont wake

    4 way reboot

    Modded Camera from jobnik

    Build prop tweaks for touch and smoothness

    Multiwindow with edit apps

    4 way rotation

    Lockscreen set to 2 way rotation only

    Call recording

    No home button lag with double tap intact


    Big thanks to ficeto and Legendk95 for their help

    Dorimanx 7.38 (Thanks dorimanx)

    Rooted, deodexed and zipaligned

    Alliance ROM Customizer with root browser from ficeto


    Alliance Control

    6 Lockscreens - Ripple, Circle, Jellybean, Blackberry 10, Acer, LG Optimus

    20 optional and orderable dropdown toggles including multiwindow, smart stay etc

    4 Lockscreen Shortcuts on Ripple

    Information Ticker on Ripple

    Ripple Toggle

    Choose ANY INK COLOR!!!!
    Choose ANY color Toggles
    Choose ANY color Toggle Text
    Toggle Text On/Off
    Toggle Indicator On/Off
    Choose ANY color statusbar (Thanks Legendk95 for help)
    Choose ANY transparency level for statusbar
    Choose ANY color statusbar clock
    Choose ANY color dropdown clock
    Choose ANY color date
    Choose Centre/Right/No clock (Thanks AOKP)
    Add small/large AM/PM to statusbar clock (Thanks AOKP)
    Add small/large day of week to statusbar clock (Thanks AOKP)
    Brightness slider On/Off
    5 icon JB lockscreen (added phone and mms) (Thanks atl4ntis)
    Toggle for CRT
    Toggle for scrollable TW Home wallpaper
    Media Scanner fix (Thanks Shoman)
    Fixed Reboot options in Toggles
    Added rest of JB reloaded theme (Thanks Crussader - will msg you the Toggles fix)
    SMS to MMS Auto convert - 250
    Recipient limit - 400

    Hide options for:

    Statusbar alarm
    Statusbar Bluetooth
    Statusbar Sound

    Toggle options for:

    Low Battery Popup
    Full Charge Notification
    USB Connect Sound
    Lock Screen Torch
    Long Press Skip Track

    Popup Browser

    Long Press back to kill

    Disabled Scrolling Cache


    Unplug wont wake

    4 way reboot

    Modded Camera from jobnik

    Build prop tweaks for touch and smoothness

    Multiwindow with edit apps

    4 way rotation

    Lockscreen set to 2 way rotation only

    Call recording

    No home button lag with double tap intact

    Themed Framework
    Themed Dialer
    Themed Contacts
    Themed Settings
    Themed multiwindow bar
    Themed Dropdown

    And im sure more....errr....cant remember

    -Scaricate la ROM;
    -Assicuratevi di avere una CWM funzionante e di non essere soggetti al brickbug;
    -Riavviate il terminale in recovery;
    -FULL WIPE (altamente consigliato) Ovvero: wipe data, cache e dalvik (e format system);
    -Scegliete Install zip from sd card>>Choose Zip>> scegliete la ROM e confermate;
    -Attendete la fine dell'installazione;
    -Al termine procedete con un wipe cache e dalvik;
    -Quindi riavviate (il primo avvio potrebbe "prendersela comoda")

    Essendo il firmware stock e molto recente, vi sconsiglio di testare kernel moddati: potreste avere problemi........ se poi volete fare da cavia, ben venga ;) :)

    AllianceROM 6-0
  2. sensistar

    sensistar Worker Droid

    24 Nov 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    Salve Raff,

    Io possiedo un galaxy s2 i9100p e pur non avendo molta esperienza in fatto di root, volevo provare una custom rom basata su android 4.2.1 . Questa release è compatibile con il mio s2 brandizzato tim? Mantiene il protocollo nfc? Cosa mi consiglieresti di fare? Grazie mille per la disponibilità...
  3. Raff

    Raff Guest

    R: [ROM][4.1.2][LS8] AllianceROM[6.0][26/01/13]

    Ti consiglierei di leggere qualche guida prima di effettuare ogni tipo di operazione. Questa rom è basata su android 4.1.2, compatibile col tuo smartphone ma potrebbe non mantenere l nfc.

    Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 con Tapatalk 2