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[ROM][ | WIUI | ][ 4.2.28 ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

Discussione in 'Modding - Mi2 (s)' iniziata da Raffaele, 4 Mar 2014.

  1. Raffaele

    Raffaele Silver Droid

    20 Apr 2013
    "Mi Piace":

    - based on latest MIUIandroid ROM
    - multilanguage support
    - Aroma support (Stock kernel, MiCore kernel, CPU MODs, framework animations... more options coming soon)
    - added init.d support
    - added sysctl support
    - added zipalign support
    - added fstrim support
    - added ClockworkMod Recovery
    - improved camera settings
    - enabled 4x SlowMotion (only for Mi2)
    - more readable screen in outside
    - optimized AutoBacklight settings
    - more precise volume control
    Call volume steps changed from 5 to 7
    System volume steps changed from 7 to 15
    Media volume steps changed from 15 to 30
    - added 4-way reboot options
    - added improved 4.2 keyboard
    Swype & 20+ language support
    Very fast input speed
    Blue color replaced to white/orange)
    - increased video quality
    - optimized framework and apps
    - optimized animations
    - optimized system settings
    - optimized battery usage
    - removed unneeded services
    - updated Google Apps
    - patched hosts
    - tweaks

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - builtin CPU Control & CPU Stats on Settings/Battery panel, thnx to ZN6&SINÉO
    - updated ClockworkMod Recovery with 4.4 rom support, thnx to M1cha
    - Aroma updates
    - reworked and rewrite scripts/mods, much more less ROM size (~30MB)
    - updated MiCore kernel to 010m, thnx to Redmaner
    - optimized MiCore Plus tweaks
    - 160 characters sms capacity for non-English users with Messages app
    thnx to theos0o & ZduneX25, added more characters support by me, just for Mi2
    - message will be converted to MMS after 18 SMS instead of 9
    - increased Camera (Audio/Photo/Video) quality, thnx to Epic
    - enabled Krait Retention for all core (better deep sleep)
    - improved deep sleep state
    - optimized framework animations
    - optimized dalvik cache settings
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - optimized Launcher animations
    - Aroma updates
    - optimized scripts
    - added StatusBar from 4.1.24 with previous animations
    - updated WSM Tools to v2.1.8
    - updated Miui Weather
    - optimized MiCore & stock kernel tweaks
    - optimized Power Management
    - ThemeManager from 4.1.10
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - added Aroma support
    - MiCore kernel v009m, thnx to Redmaner
    - CPU addons
    - WSM Tools v2.1.7
    - Framework animations
    - Google keyboard
    - Honami Keyboard, thnx to Manohar
    - Miui Weather
    - more options coming soon...
    - optimized kernel tweaks
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - optimized kernel tweaks
    - optimized framework
    - optimized audio settings
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - added new I/O tweaks, thnx to Franco's Dev Team
    - disabled OverFlowMenu (aka. 3dots), thnx to oile
    - disabled more debug activities
    - updated Google Play to 4.5.10
    - optimized memory settings
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - updated ClockworkMod Recovery with support 4.4 roms, thnx to M1cha
    - optimized kernel tweaks
    - optimized Power Management
    - removed Control app
    - WMS Tools recommend for moding, thnx to BalcanGSM
    - optimized memory usage
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - added Control app (you should control statusbar settings and CPU settings with it)
    - fixed CPU locks frequencies
    - updated dalvik cache settings from Nexus 4
    - improved audio settings
    - increased volume settings (headset, speaker, etc...)
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - added StatusBar MOD, ControlPanel is back thnx to Farniel
    - fixed date settings on lockscreen
    - optimized multitasking settings
    - optimized battery usage
    - optimized audio settings
    - optimized Network settings (Wi-Fi, 3G...)
    - updated Google Play to 4.4.22
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - optimized scrolling engine
    - optimized MiHome animations (folder, opening...)
    - optimized kernel tweaks
    - optimized Power Management
    - new optimization method (pngs, apks...) for reduce app size
    - optimized multitasking settings
    - optimized memory usage
    - I/O scheduler set to noop
    - optimized audio settings
    - disabled OTA
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - updated some icons, thnx to peyronx (Google Apps, etc.)
    - more optimized CPU states
    - updated APN settings
    - optimized framework
    - optimized multitasking MOD
    - optimized audio settings
    - optimized system storage usage
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - added multitasking MOD, thnx to zeppelinrox
    - ported SQL binary from Mi3 (4.2.1)
    - optimized memory usage
    - optimized framework animations
    - reduced system apps size for better storage
    - Phone FC fix 2.0 to my chinesse users
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - optimized framework and tweaks for faster app loading
    - speed and performance improvements
    - increased 3D performance (also with Power Saving mode)
    - optimized dalvik cache settings
    - optimized recent CPU settings
    - optimized mpdecision for better CPU control
    - optimized memory management
    - optimized deep sleep state for better battery
    - removed some unneeded services
    - reworked init.d support
    - improved busybox settings (more tweak support)
    - added fstrim support
    - updated Google Play to 4.3.11
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - chinesse symbols fixed on the lockscreen (with some languages)
    - optimized incall voice quality
    - improved microphone settings (from Nexus 4)
    - optimized CPU settings
    - updated Google Play to 4.2.9
    - applied my recent changes

    - updated recent and added new tweaks
    - optimized incall voice quality
    - optimized NoiseSuppression
    - improved sound quality
    - optimized dalvik cache
    - disabled more logging activities
    - optimized memory management -> better performance
    - added Fastboot mode to reboot panel
    - applied my recent changes

    Download: Downloads - Downloading


    -scarica la ROM;
    -installa l'ultima CWM;
    -Avvia il device in recovery e flasha la ROM (nel sistema che desideri utilizzare);
    -Wipe cache e dalvik cache;

    -Se sei su stock non è necessario il wipe data prima di installare la ROM, tuttavia potrebbe essere necessario in caso di problemi;
    -Per aggiornare la WiUi basta il wipe cache e dalvik;
