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[ROM] [S4][SENSE] Viper One S 2.2.0 | Sense 4+ | JB 4.1.1

Discussione in 'Modding - HTC One S' iniziata da kalel77, 11 Lug 2013.

  1. kalel77

    kalel77 Power Droid

    10 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Ecco la punta di diamante del Team Venom per l' HTC One S





    Rom Info

    Based on Android 4.1 + Sense 4+ - 3.16.401.8
    Deodexed & Zipaligned
    Persistent ADB enabled
    Init.d support
    Memory optimizations
    Ramdisk Tweaks
    Venom Tweaks - HUGE collection of customizable tweaks
    Venom HUB! - download themes/read news/send feedbacks directly from your phone
    Venom OTA! - receive automatic Viper Rom updates
    Horizontal Quicksettings
    Advanced Power Menu
    MusicBox with sound enhancers
    Enhanced PowerSaver Mod
    Enhanced Camera Mod
    CM statusbar brighntess mod
    Disabled dtm and fast dormancy, possible battery drainers
    Added secure and blocklist folders to message app
    All Market apps Updated to latest
    Latest hosts file (Adaway)
    Choose between Apex or Nova launcher in desense
    Venom File Manager
    Custom Venom Package Installer
    Custom Venom Download UI
    and way more!


    Enable landscape rosie
    Enable infinitive looping on Home
    Lock/unlock workspaces
    Transparent navbar
    Choose icon packs for Rosie - Works also for most ADW Icon Packs
    Increase rows/colums in app drawer to 5x6 and 7x3
    Use custom background image in the app drawer
    Use custom color for app drawer
    Transparent clock toggle
    custom app for press on clock of htc clock widget
    custom app for press on weather of htc clock widget

    ICS AOSP Lockscreen
    Toggle to immediatly unlock aosp lockscreen on incoming call
    custom carrier lockscreen text
    Hide time on lockscreen
    Hide apm/pm on lockscreen
    Hide date on lockscreen
    Hide operator on lockscreen
    Block notification pulldown on lockscreen
    Choose back/home/menu to unlock
    Slide 2 unlock: swype from back to menu key to unlock yor device

    Custom 3 finger swype gestures! Remap 3 finger swype up/down right/left to 8 custom action or a custom app of your choice
    Configure long press delay of buttons
    Different capacitive backlight options to control when the leds shall turn off
    Toggle for 3 dot soft menu
    Remap longpress home/back/recent to TEN different actions
    Longpress home on lockscreen toggles flashlight or camera
    Music control with volume buttons
    Disable volume keys on lockscreen
    Use volume up to wake the device
    Use volume down to shut screen off
    use volume buttons to take a picture + headsetkeys
    use capacitive buttons to take a picture
    Disable volume sound when pressing volume buttons

    Access hidden phone menu
    Lock GSM Auto PRL
    10 Different overscroll colors
    Highly configurable autobightnesssettings, witth manual config of each sensor value
    Hide different items on the APM
    Mms screen on
    Custom HTC Car apps for Navigation, Phone and Music
    Fast dormacy toggle
    Disable HTC SmartSync
    Hide arrows on htc ime

    Advanced Tweaks:
    Minfree configuration in tweaks
    GPU rendering toggle
    Fix permissions
    zipalign apks
    Mount system rw/ro
    Disable logcat
    Wipe cache/dalvik

    IO Sheduler
    SD Read Ahead
    Core control - choose max count of cpu
    Bootloop protection


    The whole team, all awesome guys, especially:
    j4n87, m0narx, richmondouk, Turge, VinchenZop, nitsuj17, shnizlon
    lyapota for his original Camera, MusicBox and PowerSaver Mods and for his help!
    Beta tester team that found a bunch of small glitches!
    flar2 for original r/w fix
    amarullz for his Aroma Installer
    Romanbb for the original tweaks mod idea
    Patrics83 for Widget Scanner
    cyanogen for the brightness mod idea
    mwr666 for his original themes, most themes in the hub are based on his.
    trollalot, mayfield, jeff, fisha and patensas for the or red venom theme
    brut.all for apktool
    Virtuous Team for VTS and cracking the m10 files


    Viper One S 2.1.0
    MD5 : f4467c2b2e5e94a1a2b3f366e2dab2bb

    Viper One S 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 OTA
    MD5 : 2f414ea269d60817b7607d78c51c455e

    Changelog Viper 2.2.0

    ViperOneS 2.2.0
    Introduced Keyboard Theming via Tweaks
    Added tweak to toggle vertical quick settings by shaking the phone
    Added tweak to toggle vertical quick settings with volume buttons
    Sense 5 icons in settings  - credit behold_this
    New Sense 5 style dialer - credit behold_this
    New Sense 5 style phone - credit behold_this
    Added Sense 5 skin as Aroma option
    Fixed 3-finger swype
    Fixed statusbar brightness slider
    and more minor stability fixes...
    [B][SIZE=4]ViperOneS 2.1.0[/SIZE][/B]
    Completely rebuilt from scratch (code ported from HTC One X+ ROM)
    Merged with latest OTA by HTC (keyboard fix Z/Z in landscape)
    Improved battery life
    Fixed Wifi issues (Full ROM)
    Fixed Widget FC
    Added option for TMOUS users for gps, 3G speed.. (Full ROM)
    Vertical quick settings
    Quick Quicksettings
    Swipe action to active VQS
    Longpress header switch between QS-VQS-QL
    Transparent Rosie app drawer
    Icon packs code rewritten
    Customize Rosie Menu
    Custom app notifications in lockscreen
    Enable cube animation
    Custom LCD Density
    Custom bootanimation
    Custom fonts
    Fixed sliders in tweaks app
    Disable pctool mount tweak
    Remove gpu nonsense
    Custom lockscreen shortcuts
    Custom app notifications on lockscreen
    Rearranged tweaks app
    New venom button manager
    CPU tab (no u/v for now)
    Sony Bravia and Xloud
    Added GSM Prl tweak
    Added custom clock hex colour
    Added Full rotation tweak
    Added Horizontal EQS sizes tweak
    Added Bug report to tweaks PLEASE USE!!
    Added Quick flashlight tweak
    Added Phone, Contacts, Call rotation tweak
    Fixed some tweaks typos
    Customize Rosie menu tweak
    Custom lockscreen clock size
    Some SystemUI fixes
    Fixed Rosie app drawer speed
    Added LCD Density Tweak
    Replaced 3 Dot tweak for Soft menu bar
    Added Hex value to colour picker
    Added Sense 5 Navbar
    Added Fix Widgets scanner
    Fixed saving tweaks profiles
    Added long press system delay tweak
    Fixed displaying c/f in clockwidget
    Added Rosie Appdrawer Border tweak
    Updated Venom Hub
    Fixed long press timeout keeping settings
    Disable vol keys on lockscreen
    Weather in notification area
    Updated Lyapota's Camera Extrim
    Fixed System RW setting sticky thingy
    Fixed Disable  Logcat  setting thingy also
    Force enable Wifi N tweak
    Fixed Rosie icons
    Fixed Rosie manage apps greyout on lock workspaces
    Hide Rosie tab if Sense  launcher  not installed
    Added CPU confirm dialog
    Get More button in skins picker opens Venom HUB skins section
    Fixed Venom Equalizer
    Added SOS and Auto flash to Flashlight
    Custom high speed mobile data icon
    Rosie Scroll wallpaper
    Browser Unlimited tabs
    Browser Developer settings
    Custom header Date/Time Tweaks
    Improved Quicklauncher
    Improved Horizontal EQS
    New Venom Venom Downloads UI
    New Venom Package Installer
    Fixed aosp incoming call
    Fixed rosie menu fc
    New tweak custom lockring positions
    Added Venom equalizer
    Overscroll colour tweak
    Added cube animation tweak
    New tweak transition animations
    Reboot safemode added to apm
    Hide n Reorder quicksettings now reset Statusbar when press OK
    Added more options in Rosie menu
    Rosie dock change now wo reboot
    Fixed Force 2D Rendering
    Fixed volume up issues when screen off
    Added Extra info options for pulldown tweaks
    Fixed Headset not working when screen off
    Fixed Longpress buttons --- Expand notification bar
    Fixed Some Tweaks app typos
    and much more...
    [B][SIZE=4]ViperOneS 2.0.0[/SIZE][/B]
    Completely rebuild and optimized
    Compressed all files with latest tools
    Removed debugging/checkin code in smali by HTC
    Zipaligned with latest SDK
    Improved overall performance
    Initial Release


    METODO S-OFF (consigliatissimo)


    Metodo 1 utilizzando l'app Flash Image GUI con istruzioni allegate (CONSIGLIATO)

    Metodo 2 tramite fastboot

    Registrati per vedere il suo contenuto !
    • factory reset
    • wipe system
    • wipe cache

    andate nel menù "install" e andate a scegliere rom Viper

    Installazione della rom tramite AROMA INSTALLER by Amarullz

    Ultima modifica: 11 Lug 2013
    A uLtiMo125, Morissio e yann73 piace questo elemento.
  2. kalel77

    kalel77 Power Droid

    10 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
  3. miki2288

    miki2288 Baby Droid

    13 Nov 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    problema htc one s dopo flash boot.img

    Ciao a tutti, ho installato la rom viper one s sul mio one s ( cid italia 405) , e fin qui tutto provo e mi accorgo che non funziona la fotocamera, provo a rifleshare rom e boot.img, solo che quest'ultimo questa volta lo flasho con l'app"flash GUI"- risultato---> se vado ad accendere il telefono mi parte l'animazione HTC quietly brilliant e poi lo schermo diventa nero(acceso ma tutto nero) , non arrivo ad entrare nemmeno in bootloader tramite tastopower+volgiù
    vi prego ditemi che esiste un modo per uscirne vivi :(
  4. kalel77

    kalel77 Power Droid

    10 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Ti ho spostato nella discussione giusta;)

    sei in s-ON? Prova a tenere premuto per 15 sec il tasto power, ti lampeggiano i soft key e poi si spenge.
    Al riavvio premi subito vol- per provare ad entrare nel bootloader
    A miki2288 piace questo elemento.
  5. miki2288

    miki2288 Baby Droid

    13 Nov 2012
    "Mi Piace":

    Ti ringrazio davvero tantissimo, il telefono ora è nuovo!!
  6. kalel77

    kalel77 Power Droid

    10 Lug 2013
    "Mi Piace":
    Probabilmente non ti entrava nel bootloader perché avevi la funzione fast boot (avvio veloce) nelle impostazioni batteria.
    Felice di esserti stato di aiuto;)

    Inviato dal mio HTC One S utilizzando Tapatalk