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[ROM] SkyDragon | Sense Edition

Discussione in 'Rom per HTC One M7' iniziata da nightcervant, 24 Ott 2014.

  1. nightcervant

    nightcervant Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2014
    "Mi Piace":

    SD Rom For M7
    First Official Sense 6 Rom
    Initial Release
    Android Version: 4.4.2
    HTC Sense Version: 6.0
    Firmware base: 5.11.661.8
    Rom Version: SkyDragon v 1.0
    Important enhancements and bug fixes, including:
    System and Power improvements
    -HTC Sense 6 Update
    -Color coded themes for easy navigation
    -Personalized font styles
    -Addition of new Extreme Power Saving
    -Add a button to clear all recent apps
    Imaging experience improvements:
    -New interface for Gallery and Camera
    -Add Image Match to find photos faster and easier
    -Support POI (Point of interest) location in Map view
    BlinkFeed improvements
    -Smooth, continuous scrolling experience
    -New interface to intuitively add new content
    -Enhanced sidebar for easy navigation
    -Nearby restaurant recommendations
    HTC Sense TV improvements
    -Check sport scores, stats and social media buzz in real-time
    -Redesigned interface for better user experience
    -Enhanced music app for more visually stunning themes
    -Added schedule function to set specific time and event in Do not disturb mod
    -Improved Mail, Message, Calendar, Phone apps

    *Made From Scratch
    *Using 09Ram Clean Nandroid
    *Rooted with SuperSu powered by Chainfire
    *Added Full Language System Support
    *Deleted HTC Spywares
    *SkyDragon Bootanimation
    *Native EQS
    *Project ERA
    *Updated Sense Apps
    *Init.d Built-in and Tweaks Added
    *BusyBox Built-in
    *Gravity Box
    *Sense 6 Toolbox
    *youTube Away
    *Many Build.prop Tweaks
    - Speed Optimizations
    - Battery Optimizations
    *Removed and/or disabled all Logging apps & Files
    - CarrierIQ Free!
    *External SD-Card write support
    *Rom Zipaligns on boot
    *Rom Optimizes SQLite Databases on boot
    *Google Apps Updated to Latest
    *OpenVPN Built-in
    *System Read/Write

    SkyDragon Aroma Options

    *Variants Selection

    *GPS Fixed Different Countries

    * Xposed Selection
    -Sense 6 Tool Box
    -Gravity Box
    -YouTube AdAway
    -XHalo Floating Window
    -XBlast Tools
    -Xposed Installer

    *System Mods
    -HTC Mail with Disabled Exchange Security
    -Mother Of All Ad-Blocking

    *Audio Mods
    -Stock Audio
    -Project ERA v15.2
    -Sound Explosion

    *HTC Apps Removal

    *Google Apps Removal

    *Widgets Removal

    *Others Apps Removal

    *KeyBoards Selection- All Languages

    *System Fonts Selection

    *DPi Display Selection
    -480 Stock

    *Kernel Selection
    -Stock Unsecured



    Skydragon v 10

    Skydragon 10.1


    1. Scaricare il file ZIP
    2. Copiare nella memoria del terminale e avviare il telefono in recovery
    3. Effettuare un FULL WIPE e installare la ROM

    NB. E' richiesta la TWRP o superiore

    Ultima modifica: 17 Nov 2014
    A uLtiMo125, kalel77 e Morissio piace questo elemento.
  2. nightcervant

    nightcervant Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2014
    "Mi Piace":
    Aggiornata rom e changelog alla versione 10.1
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.