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[WIDGET 4.0+] Calendar Widget ully localized in Italian + with custom reminder

Discussione in 'Applicazioni / Multimedia / Giochi' iniziata da mildev84, 20 Feb 2014.

  1. mildev84

    mildev84 Baby Droid

    20 Feb 2014
    "Mi Piace":
    Don't like default reminders? try this!

    Forgetful people (like me ) are often frustrated with default calendar reminders, which just beeps and thats all I was angry so many times, that I missed something, that I decided to develop simple and intuitive widget, which shows agenda on your home screen and allows to add reminder (REAL reminders with sound play, vibro, etc) on any event. This was main purpose, but later I added some other functions...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Main functions:

    - shows all your agenda inside widget
    - allows to change between your calendars (google/exchange/facebook)
    - set reminder on any event in advance up to 24 hours
    - sound/vibro mode
    - customization (skins, text sizes, text color, transparency, more widget sizes,..)
    - practical shorcuts to stock calendar (add event, edit event, delete event)

    Maybe there are a lot of calendar widget apps, but as I know almost no one allows to set up real alarm on events + only few are so good loking, simple and easy to use. This app is for simple everyday use, especially forgetful people. If you like it, enjoy. If not, write here some of your tips or improvements and if they are reasonable, I will implement them Thx & enjoy

    Link to app:

    Google Play

    PS: it's free - just with some limitations...If it is against rules, just let me know and I will delete link to my app. Thx
  2. simoscorpion

    simoscorpion Power Droid

    26 Lug 2012
    "Mi Piace":
    please translate in italian